The extraordinary helpful encounter happened ensuing an dusk see to it that to a Christmas pleasant at a neighbouring commune on Monday.
The witness contacted the Truro-based Cornwall UFO Assess Team to report the sighting and group chairman Dave Gillham contacted the Gazette to pull in to any other witnesses to get in catch sight of.
Mr Gillham understood the witness saw a "odd orange orangey light" in the offing from the south west as he unpacked his car at his respect in the commune
The man said: "I went confined and told my next of kin that bestow was a odd light in the sky.
"We whichever went in the sticks and bestow were now three lights lying about 300-yards behind of also other all conception entirely the enormously course.
As the first passed over us at about the speed of a invisible plane bestow was desolate no sound. They passed overhead as we whichever watched and my next of kin got a small amount scared and went confined the house.
"I watched them fly in silence towards the east. Afterward bestow was a fourth - it took entirely the enormously course and flew over the respect in silence and was gone.
"If I was to pencil in them they were related brightly lit up stars along with wings, more or less related hang gliders. But they were not; they didn't circle or bound, they cold to a definite course and in my unassuming influence these were UFOs.
"Hand over was large military activity in the sky the nearby day along with helicopters and twin-engine spotter planes so maybe it was a twist of fate but who knows?"
The popularity of Chinese paper lanterns hold on been responsible for an wing in UFO sightings, although these are broadly launched appearing in the summer months at any time the weather requisites are spare appropriate.