In this release that aims to lay bare the doubtful phenomenon of unidentified flying objects, previous government officials, astronauts, and military men impart firsthand accounts of their experiences as soon as the perplexing, and the government conspiracies imaginary to keep mum their secrets at any denomination. From firsthand accounts of the new start of alien spacecraft and the harvesting of extraterrestrial technology by Keep order of U.S. Army's Weird and wonderful Gear Gash (Col. Phillip J. Corso), to Apollo 14 astronaut (Dr. Edgar Mitchell)'s sparkler revelations headed for the 1947 Roswell UFO incident, and previous intelligence flinch (Cargo space Sgt. High-status Robert O. Dean)'s announcement of the existence of Edge 51, this release offers sparkler information about some of the most doubtful cover-ups of the last century.