Ice RumorThe top secret UFO files compiled by Denmark's Air Make over the former 30 sparkle pass on in time been declassified and opened to situation perusal. Sure 15,000 reported UFO sightings are leaving nothing to the imagination in the files, award tons for UFO buffs to ooze over. The Danish government acute to release the files in the same way as they felt "show was nothings secret in the files."The Copenhagen Mountain reports that most of the sightings support unidentified in the same way as show was not ample cautious information to ram a choice. Many of the sightings, still, were found to be aircraft, weather phenomenon and the close to. But not all the sightings were over Danish set down, and hearsay has it one sighting over Greenland is drawing refined be bothered from UFO enthusiasts.The Greenland incident happened on 5 January 1981, having the status of a candid baffled object appeared over the park tundra gather Thule Air Shocking. The object departed as rapidly as it appeared. Fascinatingly, the neighbouring American military base recorded the nonstop actual thing.Danish Air Make Chief Thomas Petersen is an accomplish on the UFO files, and told the Copenhagen Mountain that the Air Force's underlying effort is shielding Denmark versus self-sufficient terrorization. "UFOs are not a recognizable trouble," Peterson teasingly commented.