This is yet another blog where the author shares personal paranormal experiences, including UFO sightings and their heavy-handed implications. (Someday, I need to make a list of these blogs) I am still at a loss at how to label these experiences. Is she an abductee? Contactee? Experiencer?
The title of her ongoing blog is: IN A WORLD CRACKING OPEN - Endings ">Lucretia Heart, and her story is rich, complicated and utterly bizarre. Having been looking at this subject, long and hard, I gotta say most of the stuff in her story seems to match things I've heard, either in print or from people sharing these stories with me directly.
I was utterly drawn to this posting. Here's how the story begins:
Late September 2006, at about 2 am, a strange, blond man, tall, broad shouldered, and handsome, walked right into our living room in the middle of the night. We were up and alert at the time because someone had awakened us out of a dead sleep by rapping loudly on our bedroom window. A few minutes later, while my husband, Gerick, and I were shakily trying to figure out what was going on, Big Blond Guy just opened up our front door and strode on in!
I knew him and his name was Ethan...
Bizarre things had been occurring ever since we moved into that cabin out in the Ohio woods: Grey alien visitations, poltergeist phenomena, and several close-up UFO sightings. It had been an interesting year, to say the least! But this walk-in by a tall blond dude was altogether a bigger deal, and I knew it.
Many years before, Gerick and I and several other abductees we knew of were apparently put on some sort of 'stand-by' status. We were all told the same thing: that we were prepared and ready now, so we'd mostly be left alone (except for brief check-ups) until "it was time."
Time for what? For something to start. Something big. Something that had to do with the whole world changing...
NOTE: This story has been featured in JAR Quarterly
(Journal of Abduction-Encounter Research)
Mike replies...
I'll add that 2006 seems to be the year that I began to become more preoccupied with the subject. My interest had been simply the stuff of curiosity, a subject that I followed. But, from this point on (about 2006) it turned into an obsession, and heavy-handed synchronicities began to invade my life.
Here are two more postings from my sister blogger. To me, these follow up stories are an important addition to the Ethan story.
Lucretia writes, The Hippie Visitor:
(she shares this) The following I wrote before meeting a guy named "Ethan" in a 2006 experience. I don't think they're the same guy-- but I could be wrong. I'm still confused about this one...
Mike replies...
Anyone who has read SIGHT UNSEEN by Budd Hopkins will immediately be reminded of the mysterious Mr. Page. The stories are eerie in their similarities.
Lucretia writes, A Letter To "Ethan"
I'm not sure what I'm trying to do here, exactly. I suppose I'm trying to imagine that if there were a way to communicate to "Ethan" (or whatever that mysterious yet familiar guy's name was who visited us in late September of 2006) I would dearly like to do so and would. I guess this is an exercise of my wishful imagination. But IF I could write to him, and have him read my writing, this is what I would like to say to that Angel/Alien/Faerie who came that night...
Mike concludes...
I could have made this post a LOT longer. My communications with Lucretia has been a tightly woven web of links to other ongoing synchronicities, including: The Irish, women with long red hair, the number 33, tall Nordic beings, Budd Hopkins and a deep premonition about our future"