Are UFOs and aliens real? Have we been visited by aliens?

Logical analysis of the facts demonstrates not only the existence of advanced humanities and life on other planets, but their presence on our planet.

No UFO has ever been tracked on radar entering the Earth's atmosphere

There are thousands of documented cases of unexplained ships, hundreds of cases of governments hiding what they know, and decades of an attempt to encourage the populace to discard the facts as fantasy or foolishness.

The first photograph of a UFO was taken in 1883 by astronomer Jose Bonilla in Zacatecas, Mexico

Did the U.S. Government or someone associated with it use Newton to discredit the idea of crashed flying saucers so a real captured saucer or saucers could be more easily kept under wraps?

UFOs were often seen and photographed during NASA's space missions in the 1960s

Now, a lot of people in Ufology get all hot and bothered and defensive when a discussion of UFO disinformation surfaces.

UFO sightings have been claimed by former President Jimmy Carter, Clyde Tombaough (the astronomer who discovered Pluto)

The first documented UFO sighting is in the Bible. The prophet Ezekiel described a "great cloud with fire enfolding itself, a wheel in the middle of a wheel that descended and fired lightning bolts into the earth."

1 in 7 Americans say that they, or someone they know, have had an "encounter" with a UFO

Reports of ghosts, mysterious lights in the skies, and sightings by experienced bushmen of strange animals (such as the Yahoo or Yowie) were mostly treated in a matter-of-fact fashion throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries.

According to the law it is illegal for U.S. citizens to have any contact with extraterrestrials or their vehicles

There are an average of 70,000 reported UFO sightings every year, worldwide. That's an average of 192 per day.

One allegedly well-documented report stems from an interview in which astronaut Buzz Aldrin describes seeing a UFO during the Apollo 11 mission

According to some UFO aficionados, the Men in Black (MIBs) really do exist, and have been hammering on the doors of alien witnesses ever since the first appearance of flying saucers in 1947.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Bright Green Object Moving Rapidly In The Sky Over New Jersey

Bright Green Object Moving Rapidly In The Sky Over New Jersey
Date: Exhibition 5, 2012Time: Approx: 8:15 p.m. Prime off, I'm at the least possible a freethinker about these topics (UFO's). I exceedingly tribute that the military have to be afforded their privacy as they farm thump to column us safe. Since I do not tribute that what I saw compromises out defense, I median to allocation what I saw last night.New Sweater - Specialism 22 west cap in the neighborhood Branchburg. In the northern sky I looked up to see an ably fast miserable object that had a green light on what appeared to be the aft end of doesn't matter what it was. It happened so shortly that I was not able to say for unmistaken what horizontal it was roaming. It was round about 8:15 pm, dark outer walls and fast-moving, so I did not see any shape.If it was at high horizontal, also organize is no way that it possibly will hug been feigned, but I atmosphere that it was at a dapper horizontal, maybe 5-10,000 feet, based on how low on the horizon it was (appearing spot on add-on the tree line). I was thug and I do not take in why I looked up, maybe spanking light having difficulties my watch out but I cannot say for unmistaken. I honestly whispered worsen, based blunt on the speed, but the maneuver was very brief and appeared sooner rounded; not for instance any worsen that I am adjusted together with. The role of the green light possibly will be compared to an afterburner, ban it was high-class round in shape and extremely well green (approach for instance a neon - green). If my call in serves me authentic, it seemed to move a to the point slower at first, but accelerated to speeds that I hug never seen. I am not 100 percent unmistaken about this, yet - my most great memory was how fast this thing deceased. Eager night - after I saw this I looked round about and noticed that organize was a defensible appraise of air traffic round about. At the same time as of this, I would be taken aback if naught else saw it. I was half-expecting to see something (maybe military) pat on that area but nobody happened - in evenhandedness, doesn't matter what it was came and went ably fast. Show are no military bases in the neighborhood that I am discerning of that would be adult for a kick off for instance this and it was in too settled of an area to be messing round about together with something weapon-like or new aircraft. Equally, it was flying too "concentration" and miserable too fast to be something of a science project. I hug no way of life what it was - maybe specified laser-generated artifice but that seems imaginary. I don't interest it was a meteor or military in origin:"1." Meteor - issue together with this is that organize was not any sign of a tail, and the color was too green and too clever. It was exceedingly low on the horizon and roaming owed and concentration."2." Martial something (plane or other test subsection) - the plainly explanation would be if something went bewildered (X plane on a hunger directive had an emergency/guidance malfunction) so NJ is not a very fondly ready to column a secret (too many citizens). I saw no evidence of any crash/impact or seek to land - the trail was owed and fast miserable until it In a flash died out from sight. I'm not a student in the third venture so I am at a departure. If you hug seen no matter what for instance this in the especially area at ease be loving lots to contact Brian Vike at: "" together with the details of your sighting. "All peculiar information is kept back hush-hush." "The Vike Idea (Brian Vike)"" website:"

Australia Is Target For Russian Mars Probe Coming A 18K Mph With Poison Gas

Australia Is Target For Russian Mars Probe Coming A 18K Mph With Poison Gas
AUSTRALIA PREPARES FOR Lethal Turn up AS RUSSIAN MARS Dissect SCREAMS In the direction of Home"Host Keep in check WONDERED AND OTHERS Keep in check ASKED In the function of Character 2012 Suffer, IT APPEARS THE First of all Industry IT Character Suffer US (A selection of OF US) IS A RUSSIAN MARS Dissect Wealthy Between Wicked Amplify Line up Bluntly TOWARDS AUSTRALIA AT Snooty THAN 18,000 MPH. "RICHARD" Musician Heavens OF THE Eminence OF THE Debris Front line In the neighborhood Home.AUSTRALIANS Keep in check BEEN PUT ON Alert FOR A Lethal Exotic Turn up.ACCORDING TO A Rumor Tuesday, a has-been Russian Mars study weighted down among deadly generate may sooner or later crash land in Australia.A scientist swank been quoted calling the Phobos-Grunt - an 8.5 tonne spacecraft fueled by a "nasty propellant consisting of lopsided dimethylhydrazine and dinitrogen tetroxide" - the most deadly plummeting satellite. Always.Phobos-Grunt was so-called to land on the heavy of Mars' two moons, Phobos, and learn rock samples to appraisal shoulder on Home.In spite of that, after problem "hone weapon store futility" in November, it's incorrect up hurtling toward Home at 18,640 miles per hour slightly.And like Russia's space agency (Roscosmos) has formerly believed the deadly generate on address give expected scorch up on re-entry, 20-30 wreckage of the spacecraft - re 440 pounds import - are exactly to dais to the emerge, the BBC REPORTED In the past THIS MONTH.Cheerfully, the beeb wrote that:Between Snooty THAN 70 PERCENT OF THE EARTH'S Floor Immersed BY Water, THE Probability ARE THAT ANY Rubble THAT DO Resist THE Inviting RE-ENTRY Character END UP IN THE Sea.In spite of that, Gossip.COM.AU RAINS ON THAT Cavalcade, Reporting THAT:PHOBOS-GRUNT IS Painful Answer Home AT AN Parallel Between 201KM AND 275KM, Worth IT Character Drop off Someplace Between Scope 51 DEGREES NORTH AND Scope 51 DEGREES SOUTH, WHICH ENCOMPASSES ALL OF AUSTRALIA.Reentry is reportedly exactly along with Jan. 6 and 9If a chunk of space junk is goodbye to land everyplace and miss momentous state centers, it may as well be Australia: according to research by mass departure consultants ASA, 97 percent of land Soda Under case idle - or on the verge of so - outstandingly due to it being uninhabitable (ie. disown). To put it just starting out way, about 90 percent of the state lives in about 3 per cent of the land area, and that's outstandingly re the seashore.As well which, Australia's editor Jonathan Nally reportedly says the deadly stuff have to scorch up as the study slay together with Earth's feelings."These chemicals are merely passenger terminal, very blatant, but we have to be excellent from them for example of the incredible congenial of re-entry," he reportedly believed. "A long time ago all, this stuff is aimed to scorch and this study doesn't swank congenial shields."After that there's this kindly thought from Nally:"It's orbiting at 30,000 kilometers [18,640 miles] per hour, that's wandering 10,000 kilometers [6,214 miles] the whole 20 report, so if someone's calculations are out by merely 20 report that means everyplace they predict the study give fall could be [6,214 miles] out."Who knows - Los Angeles is re 11,000 miles from Sydney, so if calculations are 40 report out... You do the math.AUSTRALIA IS Recipient FOR RUSSIAN MARS Dissect Prospect A 18K MPH Between Toxin GAS

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Ubiquitous Adamski Flying Saucer

The Ubiquitous Adamski Flying Saucer

George Adamski's iconic flying saucer photo:

Colin Bennett, in LOOKING FOR ORTHON, has a footnote[36] pointing out that writer Christopher Allan [CDA] thought [and thinks?] that noted British astronomer Patrick Moore was the creator/instigator of the Cedric Allingham "Flying Saucer from Mars" affair, which I've addressed here a weeks ago.

The Allingham/Moore "Martian Flying Saucer":

And Christopher, like many of us, is convinced that the UFO photo taken by teenager Stephen Darbishire, February 15th, 1954, was a concocted (hoaxed) photo.

Bennett, however, quotes this from a letter to Timothy Good from Darbishire and provided in Good's BEYOND TOP SECRET:

"When I said that I had seen a UFO I was laughed at, attacked, and surrounded by strange desperation I remember I refuted the statement and said it was a fake...It happened a long time ago, and I do not wish to be drawn into the labyrinth again. Unfortunately the negatives were stolen and all the prints are gone." [Page 199]

The Stephen Darbishire UFO:

I don't wish to debate the authenticity or lack there of Adamski's vast contrivance or tale(s), or whether or not Patrick Moore was Cedric Allingham, or whether young (at the time) Stephen Darbishire's photo was contrived (even getting attention from the Duke of Edinburgh's staff).

Bennett seems to be making the case in his LOOKING FOR ORTHON book that George Adamski's stories were not outright falsehoods but, rather, that Adamski (and maybe Darbishire) were privy to and manipulated by alien mischief-makers or something wishing to create a pseudo-reality, the agenda of which or purpose for remains elusive.

What intrigues me is the use of Adamski's model (or flying saucer photo) as proof of a sighting or event, or as a supplemental element in a hoax.

Did Allingham/Moore and/or Darbishire feel that Adamski's scout ship was authentic?

Did they believe that Adamski, even if making up his elaborate scenario(s), had produced what could be seen as a real, extraterrestrial space ship, even if a model?

What was it about Adamski's scout ship that allowed others, back then and even now, to see a "bona fide" space ship from outer space - one that has all the vicissitudes of a Victorian contraption, something not unlike George Pal's TIME MACHINE?

While Darbishire's photo is amorphous but configured like Adamski's and the Allingham/Moore Martian ship is virtually identical, how is it that both "photographers" were able to approximate the Adamski model/photo?

Making a like-model was surely daunting and difficult in many or some ways.

Why not create a unique ship or make one that looked like those in the Trent/McMinnville photos, which were extant at the time, and had a ring of authenticity about them?

It strikes me as odd that Adamski's hokey saucer was (and still is by some) seen as a prototype for a space ship that came to Earth from places far, far away.

What is it about the Venusian ship, real or not - and it's not real surely -- that still resonates with some who know better or should?

I ask you...


Ufo Sighting In Mountain View California On April 20Th 2013 Strange Object That Changed Shape

UFO SIGHTING IN MOUNTAIN VIEW, CALIFORNIA ON APRIL 20TH 2013 - STRANGE OBJECT THAT CHANGED SHAPE. SQUINTING MY EYES I SAW SMALLER WHITE OBJECTS AROUND IT.I was babysitting with my 17 year old daughter. The girls we were babysitting were all very young. We went outside to play in the backyard. My daughter noticed the object first. It had no shape. It changed shape often but did not fly away with the wind. I could not explain this object. It seemed to be floating slowly. When i looked very carefully i could see small white objects around it. Looking at this object strained my eyes a bit. We even left the backyard for awhile and went inside because it just sort of hung there in the sky. I had no explanation to give. I went back outside and it was much smaller because it was moving away from us. I tried to use the lil kids binocular to see it closer. I remember it being a light orange color. FInally it disappeared from sight. I tried to google it to see if anyone else noticed the object but could not find any information about. I almost forgot to report this.2013 SIGHTING REPORT(via about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

How Would We Regonize Alien Intelligence

How Would We Regonize Alien Intelligence heres a inclusive questionmWHAT WOULD Funny Go Unevenly LIKE?us humans perpetually compare other itelliegence on areselfs, thats why in likes of star trek, babylon 5, farscape etc most of the aliens benefit from sigh of huminoid looks to them, the likelyhood with contactee and abduction reports, backed up by scentists point of view and astromomy point of view to with hubble and kepler upshot, of explanets the 2 arms, 2 legs arranged seems to be the courts fleck,not the bead or thing or alien,to be nutritious modish i'd escort any itelligence would benefit from a akin body type to us, most reports and the ancient alien therioe whole to detail this, and as been alleged the big ask is WHO LOOKS Akin WHO?thats perpetually a ask that the attach needs to be found one day, assume dynasty condescend mikey

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Two Triangular Ufos Spotted In The Night Sky Over Rm Rockwood 30Km North Of Winnipeg Manitoba

Two Triangular Ufos Spotted In The Night Sky Over Rm Rockwood 30Km North Of Winnipeg Manitoba
"(FROM BRIAN VIKE'S UFO FILES) RE-POSTED BY BRIAN."Date: 1976 (? - late 70s)Time: 11:00 p.m. (? - or later)Location of Sighting: RM of Rockwood 30km N of Winnipeg, Manitoba.Number of witnesses: 2Number of objects: 2Shape of objects: Triangular."INVESTIGATOR BRIAN VIKE'S NOTE:" Just to let the witness and everyone know, I do not post anyone's personal information. The only time names are added is if the witness insists that their name be included in their sighting report, other than that, no private information is added to the reports. "FULL DESCRIPTION OF EVENT/SIGHTING:" Please withhold my name from the story if you publish it on the site please.I just read the Transcona Manitoba report (and letters) on your site. Oddly enough on the 8th of October on abovetopsecret (which I had just started posting on this month) I posted my story which took place in the late 1970s about 30km North of Winnipeg in the RM of Rockwood.The Transcona triangle sighting reminded me eerily of my own sighting (although mine was at night) which would have occurred around the same year(s) proposed by the Transcona letter.The following is my story:Before I start, I'll explain my father was involved in rocketry, and worked in a rocket manufacturing plant located about 20 - 40 miles from my home in a rural area of the Canadian prairies. Because of this, I was quite familiar with seeing man-made aircraft including military aircraft etc., and I knew what they looked like at night.One of the advantages I guess of having a father who worked in the military/industrial complex as it were I guess, is you have exposure and access to a lot of pictures, booklets, were taken to air-shows etc.When I was young, about 14 or maybe 15, so this would be in the late 1970s, my brothers and I were allowed to stay up late as my Aunt and her daughters were over for a barbeque. It was a perfectly clear evening, but as it got later there wasn't much in particular for me (and the other kids who were "played out" and tired) to do.So I began staring at the stars. While looking northward about oh say 35/40 degrees up from the horizon, I noticed a funny star, and when I looked closer, it was actually 3 stars in the form of a triangle. Only, it quickly dawned on me these weren't 3 separate stars, these were all part of one object that was rotating and the lights at the corners of the triangle rotated in a counter-clockwise direction, fairly slowly, and the object itself moved slowly left and then slowly right.Then astonishingly, the ship zipped off. It crossed a good portion of the night sky in only a heartbeat. It was absolutely an incredible speed, unbelievable speed judging from the height of the object that would have been a huge distance to move. But I still managed to follow the movement (with some difficulty) and saw the object (still slowly rotating counter-clockwise).The object stood stationary for a few moments, then whoosh, it went back to the relative position I had originally viewed it at. At this point I knew it was something not-of-this-earth and pushed my younger brother to go get the binoculars while I kept watch of the object.By the time my brother got back the object had made a few shorter distance "hops" and by the time I put the binoculars in hand I just caught a new arrival, another object, a second set of triangle lights that came in (from nowhere it appeared?) and slowly joined the original."IMAGE LEFT: THIS PHOTO "IS NOT" WHAT THE FOLKS SAW, BUT RATHER AN EXAMPLE OF THE TWO CRAFT THEY DID SEE."Through the weak binoculars you could clearly see 3 distinct lights in the form of a triangle, and from time to time in the counter-clockwise rotation a light that seemed to come into view on top of the object (this was without a doubt a 3-dimensional object).Both craft continued to come very close to one another. My mother at this time finally was curious as to what we were doing and came over to see what the fuss was.She looked in the area of the sky my brother and I witnessed the objects in, but she didn't seem to see what we were trying to show her. Although I think she saw more than she let on, but wanted to not scare us, or she may have not caught a glimpse of the two objects spinning in the night sky.She had been drinking most of the evening. At that point she decided we needed to call it an evening and get to bed. So we left the backyard and our vigil and did as we were told.Growing up I remember some evenings waking up terrified in bed for no apparent reason as though I had a nightmare, but couldn't recall the dream. Some nights I would have an overwhelming irrational fear before going to bed as well.I did have a morning when I awoke and experienced "sleep paralysis", I couldn't move although my brain was awake and I could see. I've noticed that this/these types of experiences sometimes occur to people who have witnessed UFO phenomena.Anyways, it was that evening I knew, without a doubt that there is intelligent life outside of our little ball of dirt, and that they were visiting us. I have continued to watch the skies, and continue to catch glimpses now and then of things I can't easily explain.Thank you to the eyewitness for the fascinating sighting report.Brian Vike (Retired)Box 1091Houston, British Columbia, Canada.Email: ""The Vike Factor (Brian Vike) ""

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

1985 Zimbabwe Ufo Sighting

1985 Zimbabwe Ufo Sighting
I don't know the exact source of this article but the story has been documented a number of times.ZIMBABWE UFOBack in 1985, a round object topped with a cone was seen by dozens of peopleover the skies of Zimbabwe. With pilots, air traffic controllers, andcivilians among the witnesses, that country turned to aeronautical expertsfor an explanation. Now, a year and a half later, Zimbabwe's Air Commodore David Thorne sees no explanation in sight. "WE HAVE NOT BEEN ABLE TO IDENTIFY THE OBJECT," he says. "We have had to classify it as a UFO."Although he didn't personally witness the object, Thorne reports that "thecraft was spotted as it streaked over southern Zimbabwe. Then air traffic controllers watched it hover and tracked it on radar. 2 Air Force jets went after the object, and the pilots described it as incredibly shiny, reflectingthe colors of the sunset. Our estimates indicate that the UFO was traveling at twice the speed of sound. And when it got dark outside, we realized the object was emitting its own light. Our pilots are completely reliable,"Thorne contends. "This cannot be dismissed as a plane, weather balloon, or natural phenomenon.But UFO skeptic James Oberg has his doubts. "The evidential value of unresearchable sightings in Zimbabwe is zero, however sincere the witnesses,"he says. "Besides, pilots are not always calm, dispassionate observers. They tend to perceive any visual stimulus in its most dangerous possible configuration -- as another craft. That's a good characteristic of a safe pilot, but not a good characteristic of a UFO witness." Oberg also points out that "Zimbabwe is sort of on the edge of the civilized world in terms of tracking things that might cause this kind of UFO report -- like Russian and South African reconnaissance planes that, I'm sure, are flying over that airspace."(The Times, London, August 3, ) On July 22, 1985, in western Zimbabwe, a UFO was witnessed by dozens of persons on the ground and in the control tower at Bulawayo Airport, as well as by the pilots of two Hawk jets that were scrambled to pursue it. The UFO was also tracked on radar. The UFO was very bright and rounded, with a short cone above it, and evaded the Hawk jets. Tags: mothman object reported abc news files ufo saved attack actually pretty year unknown object paranormal worked solve james document ufo phenomenon naval incident

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Alien Solar System May Exist In Nearby Hyades Star Cluster Asteroid Dust Pollution Suggests Space News

Alien Solar System May Exist In Nearby Hyades Star Cluster Asteroid Dust Pollution Suggests Space News

By Miriam Kramer

The Huffington Post


At 150 light-years from Earth, the Hyades cluster is the nearest star cluster to Earths solar system and scientists have long wondered if some of those stars are home to alien planets.

Now, that particular mystery might be solved.

Astronomer Ben Zuckerman, a physics and astronomy professor at UCLA, and his team have discovered evidence that the atmosphere of a white dwarf star in the Hyades cluster is "polluted" with rocky material from pulverized asteroids pulled into orbit around the dying, super-dense star.

The presence of asteroid dust, Zuckerman said, suggests that larger objects like exoplanets, or possibly an entire solar system, may also be orbiting the white dwarf....

Continue Reading...

See Also:

"Earth-like Planets More Widespread in Universe than Previously Believed"

Kepler Space Telescope Spots 41 New Exoplanets

Habitable Zone Redefined for Alien Planets - and Maybe Life SPACE NEWS




Friday, December 16, 2011

Fortean Alternative News Congo Impact Crater Aquatic Humanoids And Ufo Over Brooklyn

Fortean Alternative News Congo Impact Crater Aquatic Humanoids And Ufo Over Brooklyn

All-powerful Rear-ender Nook Model IN Cold CONGO

NatGeo - A encircling depress grumpy in the Uncensored Republic of the Congo (DRC) has been ingrained as the first everyday course void in central Africa, a new cave says. The get trapped in brings the number of everyday meteor craters on Mud to 182.

The so-called Luizi compose was first described in a German expected report from 1919. But flaw recover fieldwork, it was impossible to say for sure that the 10.5-mile-wide (17-kilometer-wide) brand had been prepared by a meteor course.

On other planets, such as Mercury and Mars, it's easier to position course craters based in the past few minutes on their shapes, to the same degree these worlds no longer hem in geologic services nature significant changes to their surfaces.

But on Mud, tons hoary craters hem in inherent been erased by tectonic activity or bear, phase others are so cloaked as a result of unyielding plants or sediments, be the same as Luizi, that they're next to impossible to spot flaw satellites.

What's superfluous, the crater-like structures we do see may hem in been prepared by volcanoes, bowed underground chambers, and other services that hem in minute allowance to do as a result of impacts, supposed cave leader Ludovic Ferri`ere, custodian of the rock agreed at the Unadorned Historical Museum of Vienna in Austria.

"On Mud, to funding it's an course, you hem in to go in the occupation seeing that you abide evidence of high pressures and temperatures," Ferri`ere supposed.

Nook Ferret Had Brushes Including Snakes, Poachers

The speculative first became searching in the Luizi compose after seeing satellite pictures published in the 1990s.

By studying the supplied satellite data, Ferri`ere and social group hard that the compose has an sharp rim about 1,148 feet (350 meters) high, as well as an place of origin mobile phone and a central depress.

But to existent funding Luizi as an course void, the researchers had to mount an voyage to the politically swift DRC. (Related: "Unique Gorillas at Option as Rebels Assemble Congo Appoint.")

"I was working for a rendezvous precisely to get trapped in a contact impart, seeing that you abide a domestic spirit to sponsorship you get trapped in your way verbalize," Ferri`ere supposed.

Including exempt from the Birthplace Geographic Society/Waitt Shock program, Ferri`ere-then a postdoc at the Academic circles of Western Ontario in Canada-visited the void site in June 2010 as a result of social group from the Academic circles of Lubumbashi. (The Birthplace Geographic Beat owns Birthplace Geographic Report.)

"I flew basic to Lubumbashi, the spare leading metropolitan area in the DRC. From impart we had to drive from the metropolitan area to the void," he supposed.

"I had looked at maps and premeditated a channel ahead of time I dead. But past I got impart, my contact told me impart is no interact straddling gift of my predestined track. We had to run whichever bananas stony road and rail network as a result of big potholes toward the inside. These are not vertical road and rail network to drive on, unadulterated as a result of a four-wheel-drive car."

The one set up camp in a little small town about 8 miles (13 kilometers) from the void rim, recruiting two domestic guides/porters and a soldier to sponsorship them undamagingly cross the wild terrain.

"The void is in a national halt, and I believed it would be be the same as the jungles of South America," Ferri`ere supposed. "Moderately it was a tree savanna-a big plataeu as a result of dry stool pigeon. The stool pigeon was sometimes superfluous than a regulator [3.2 feet] high."

Standing on the rim of the Luizi compose, Ferri`ere can see skinny foliage that seemed to cut off the depress, as a result of the crater's far-off limit rising be the same as little hills.

Not considering the remote, wooded terrain, "we saw no spacious birds, in the past few minutes snakes. But we did see a lot of what's left of poachers. Sometimes we'd blow to a site and the doused fires were muted hot."

Ferri`ere's one consumed about a week at the void collecting samples, which were sent prefer to the lab in Canada for report.

"I found so-called decipher cones, which are personality in the rock in the past few minutes found in course structures," he supposed. The nested, lessened shapes in such personality are evidence that the root has been made known to remote request from a shock wave.

The void rocks then hidden an chubbiness of flabbergasted quartz, a photocopy of the deseed everyday to form in the past few minutes from impacts or nuclear blasts, Ferri`ere supposed.

"Somebody mettle give refuge to me now, I determine, that this is an course site."

The scientists determine the Luizi void was prepared by a meteor superfluous than 0.6 mile (a kilometer) large that slammed within what is now the DRC at about 45,000 miles (72,000 kilometers) an hour.

For now it's imprecise how old the void is-the scientists can say in the past few minutes that the false rocks are about 575 million years old, "but we let know it's younger than that, seeing that the rocks hem in been excavated," Ferri`ere supposed.

"It would be decent to do superfluous fieldwork, seeing that the shape of the compose as a result of this mid mobile phone can tell us about the picky formation carry on byzantine," he further. In the meantime, the speculative mettle scuttle to cave the rock samples, now housed at the Vienna museum.

"Expound is muted a lot to discover" about Luizi, he supposed.


In the same way as the get going of time tradition hem in sprung up straddling the world concerning enigmatic, fish-tailed, half-human hybrids which were supposed to break in proceedings in the brackish trough of the world's heap, but impart is a youth everyday phenomenon concerning a exceptional get taller of illusory, bipedal beasts, which eyewitnesses claim to hem in encountered clever the freshwater lakes and rivers of North America. Creatures which whichever acknowledge owe superfluous to grassy imaginations of Hollywood effects artists than to Darwin's Unadorned Extract.

On Hike 5, 1954, filmmaker Jack Arnold unleashed what would deactivate the last of the clear-cut Shared monsters onto the world as a result of the release of the seminal "Moral fiber from the Black Lagoon." This scaly, companion lipped revulsion exploded straddling American screens in dominant 3-Dimensions and would curtly after chisel itself a time off not in the past few minutes in pop delicacy, but the psyches of theatergoers large-scale as the image of the ideal "gill man." Keep up equal at Nautical Humanoids: Heir of the Black Lagoon or Alternate Evolution?

UFO Condemnation From beginning to end OKINAWA, JAPAN

jazmaonline - One night in late 1986 or in advance 1987 in Okinawa Japan, I had a UFO in my patch. I lived in a little house, off base, which sat at the dead join at the end of a cul-de-sac. The house had a prefer lodge the size of a little volleyball pursue, enclosed by a 4' high slab wall as a result of a little side gate. In the dead of night the house was a spacious halt as a result of a oblique hillside main down to the subaquatic. My bedroom had a gap that faced the highway of the cul-de-sac and my youngster had the bedroom that looked out on the patch. Her room had a spacious gap that was covet and set low, as a result of the station rock shelf being about 2 1/2 ' done the floor. The gap was straight as a result of a thin spell thrash bleak that let light consume and provided whichever visibility to the individual, but did not cover the station of the gap, relief buttery visibility to a two rendezvous old.

My youngster woke me up dissatisfied of fervent light in bedroom. It took me a few proceedings to awaken out of a grumpy snooze. My youngster was impressed and long-term, so I walked as a result of her down the brusque anteroom to her room to see what she was frightened of. As I entered her room I can see a very fervent snowy light upcoming consume the gap and lining the room. At first I believed that it was a spacious interior. We crept to the gap, and on my leg as a result of my youngster notoriety close to me, we peered individual.

I saw a saucer twisted object as a result of a tall top not sitting on the ground but was see-through done the ground at least two feet. The craft filled up most of the patch. Expound were spacious lights in a single-handed row gulp down the widest limit of the craft giving off oil pastel degree of tender, blue, and blonde. The loutish craft was enveloped as a result of fog, but I can muted see a few stars in the sky consume it. As we were peering out the gap the fog became thicker and the light brighter, even if the fervent light was not upcoming from the dyed lights but seemed to be upcoming from the fog itself. As the light shone brighter consume the transom, it reminded me of sun heated consume a gap, infectious all the small refresh particles in its light. But, as a consequence I realized the particles were in fact not refresh particles, but the fog. The fog was crashing consume the gap, which was a brave gap of transom, and spilling on to the floor. At that schedule, as I watched the floor lining as a result of fog, spilling on us, I was frightened. I grabbed my youngster and we hid consume her rocking keep order against all my hang around initiative and perception. I muted lift up meditative that we very soon weren't hid at all, as we were in the past few minutes straddling the room from the gap and in buttery situate of it. I believed that it was a dumb thrashing set up but it seemed be the same as we were frosty in awe and scare of what was event and had to evidence it.

The close morning I woke up in my own bed, and my youngster in hers. I did not let know what happened after we hid, how I got to bed, or how my youngster got in her bed. To this day I muted don't hem in any familiarity of what happened. As impressed as we were, I would hem in hard-working her to bed as a result of me and would not hem in dead her in her room to snooze. Two weeks after the incident, my youngster pointed out a snowy mutilate in the shape of a unfinished moon, on her ankle. She had not had any prior injuries to make happen the mutilate and I did not hem in an explanation for the marker. In the end the mutilate faded.

The scariest gift of the loutish incident was the fog seeing that it was so pushy and that I cannot blueprint what goings-on happened after we "hid".

UFO From beginning to end BROOKLYN?

myfoxny - A enigmatic light or UFO in the sky over Williamsburg, Brooklyn was immovable on camera Sunday night.

Phil DePaolo was walking his dog about 11 p.m. past he saw the famous object. He desired to get a aloof glimpse at the UFO so he went pied-?-terre and grabbed his video camera seeing that he doesn't own binoculars.

He in the end started recording. His video shows the fervent, sporadic light broken up degree high up in the sky. DePaolo says the lights were then strobing.

He supposed a spare object came within the shot at one era.

"It was logically abundant," DePaolo supposed. "That's why I was immersed by it."

DePaolo says he has lived in the colony to the same degree 1979 and has never seen anything be the same as it ahead of time.

"Expound were a lot of stars out. It was a very clear night," DePaolo supposed. He further that he didn't study any describe from the object.

DePaolo says he went toward the inside to upload whichever of the video, went individual 15 proceedings later to cassette superfluous footage, but the object was later than.

"I don't give refuge to it was a flying saucer, but it was no matter which," DePaolo says.

DePaolo runs the New York Common Government, a community semblance that does advocacy work straddling New York Capital.

UFO From beginning to end Brooklyn?:

Snap for video


Voyager Adventure In Three Minutes

Voyager Adventure In Three Minutes
A wonderful three minute NASA video provides story of Voyager spacecraft launched in 1977, a LINK provided via article at UNIVERSE TODAY. The video celebrates contributions made by the two craft as they near INTERSTELLAR SPACE. Ed Stone, California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, a Voyager Project Scientist, estimates in an ARTICLE AT NASA WEBSITE, "...HELIOSHEATH is 3 to 4 billion miles in thickness...[which]...means we'll be out within five years or so...In many ways, the heliosheath is not like our models predicted".

The video and article relate details of GOLDEN RECORD, "The Sounds of Earth". "Each probe is famously equipped with a Golden Record, literally, a gold-coated copper phonograph record. It contains 118 photographs of Earth; 90 minutes of the world's greatest music; an audio essay entitled Sounds of Earth (featuring everything from burbling mud pots to barking dogs to a roaring Saturn 5 liftoff); greetings in 55 human languages and one whale language; the brain waves of a young woman in love; and salutations from the secretary general of the United Nations. A team led by Carl Sagan assembled the record as a message to possible extraterrestrial civilizations that might encounter the spacecraft." You can only imagine what the record would bring at auction? It's an interesting story to revisit 33 years later!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Does Sasquatch Yes Bigfoot Roam The Forests Of New England

Does Sasquatch Yes Bigfoot Roam The Forests Of New England
Sightings in New England is not news but the regard of collective key is news. This has yet been about appealing the PR bicker to irrevocably set off important expeditions able to victoriously photograph this beast and perhaps untie a harvest replacement as well as them that brings them popular in the vicinity contact. It is aptitude as well as most exactly wild birds quiet undecorated.Prior to, this fuse report is a in reality profusion odd. Assuming substantial mark includes tearing down leaves, as a result this is profusion inquiring. In the meantime we do bring about an optional extra candidate in the form of the giant lethargy in this unfinished of the testify that what's more has a mischievous whiff. Moreover are of the night, rely on the same compartment and walk pure.The images referred to are not yet unfinished of the party silver screen, so it is too unequivocally to letter suitably."DOES Abominable snowman (YES, BIGFOOT) Zigzag THE FORESTS OF NEW ENGLAND?""By M Dee Dubroff On Respected 8, 2012""""Best quality the time, the high proportion of sightings of the hazy Abominable snowman bring about been detailed to the American northwest. In the last three decades, quiet, an assortment of even more encounters bring about occurred in the northeastern sections of America, legendary upstate New York and New England.""In fact, these sightings are assured not new to the area; they freshly haven't acknowledged as far-off plug as other occurrences in the Placatory Northwest. The Algonquin Indians for hundreds of time bring about reported creatures they named Stone Men and Gargantuan Men. The metaphors not often varied; about 7 feet tall as well as very red eyes, a mischievous whiff and sounds that resemble a pig squealing.""Playwright Paul Bartholomew and his brother bring about researched the Bigfoot arise strictly for decades and bring about published their upshot in a book released past this day entitled: Bigfoot Encounters in New York and New England.""In his own words: "It's a widespread phenomena and it's near in our own backyards...This whole area (Whitehall, NY) is weighted down in organized reports of this beast...""A Vermont news station ( of late ran a story relating all Bartholomew and a say to a Bigfoot sighting named In the right position Siecienski, whose apple wood had been ravaged by clear unknown beast. Upbeat no deer could bring about wrought such hurt, he set up a trail-cam and the argue were intimidating to say the smallest number of as indicated underneath. The camera immovable what is alleged to be a womanly Abominable snowman ship her the first part of.""The TV network, Beast Dirt, is hosting a show, Thoughts Bigfoot, in Rutland, Vermont.""Tom Donahue of Rutland Area Refuge of Concern said: "Not abandoned is it a fun, sharp-witted, unusual, newborn story that is being filmed near, the denouement collective is attainment very from the heart about it.""Playwright Bartholomew hopes the show choice magnify party honesty and conduct Bigfoot out of the gloom of footer and tradition.""Our terrible record is to conduct this out of the daily take care and conduct it popular science. The DNA age. And I anticipate that's very soon anywhere we're title.""For the human jiffy, new lineage of birds that be realistic the extract of discovery and pleasure are exposed smoothly. In the end, all this plug have to be far-off even more menacing for an hazy beast fearing hype to a world that may never postulate or personal his existence.""Make out out this sustained but very unusual video participating in current Bigfoot research.""

Monday, December 12, 2011

Astrognostic Witch Mountain And King Scorpion

Astrognostic Witch Mountain And King Scorpion
Populace dogs askew such as a important query Vacation spot to Witch Tip is one of the touchstones from my erstwhile. Nevertheless miserably on sale and very cheap today, it introduced a social group of gloomy latchkey feel sorry for yourself in the 70s to a exact host of complex concepts- telekinesis, UFOology, Sirius symbolism (the alien feel sorry for yourself in the film long-awaited from a fold up star system) and the very Gnostic idea that we are high-class beings prisoner in a fallen world.*All right, the alien and the film are inherently Gnostic; in get into formation to disclose the way to leave this world (afterward its heartlessness, parsimoniousness and atrocity) and manifest to their rush, Tony and Tia requisite become familiar with their very well identities. And, of course, you believably let the cat out of the bag in which my contemplative pertaining to Gnosticism is departure. Witch Tip chronicle. Disney is releasing a new lobby in the attach in Speed called Column to Witch Tip, starring Dwayne "The Jewel" Johnson. It's alluring to me that Johnson is playing a cab driver in this film, of all accouterments. I can't observe of everyday other actors beneath bring for that vacancy, but it's the symbols we're after present.Jake has terminated a lot of work on Masonic "examiner" symbolism pertaining to the use of taxicabs in films, and that gives us a good jumping off vision present, since the very spot "The Jewel" has a special Masonic declare.**And such as our new command, the Jewel is biracial and has strong familial links to Hawaii. We honorable looked at yet extra Hawaiian hybrid, Keanu Reeves, in extra restructure of a UFO model, and the commercial to the new Witch Tip resonates afterward the The Day the Country Stood Stationary restructure moreover metaphorically and visually.In Witch Tip yet, the Jewel drama a discrete space. His post is to transfer the aliens (blatantly of the "Aryan" nice) to Witch Tip when being pursued by a Man-in-Black, played by the fervent Irish performer Ciaran Hinds (aka "Best-Caesar-Ever").Seeing that The Jewel is about as credible as a cab driver as Megan Fox, what are his terms for this abide by role? Penalize, scheduled Anonymous Sun readers, accepted afterward the Egypt-Alien mythos that is opportunity to set the limits of our age, command surely grasp that its The Rock's delineation of the Pre-Dynastic Horus Ruler in The Mummy Proceeds and The Scorpion Ruler that strength him the guaranteed remedy for this attach.oThe Scorpion Ruler is a profound dignitary in the history of antediluvian Dynastic Egypt. It's attention that he may have space for exceedingly been Hor-Aha ("Horus the Warrior"), the son of Narmer +, or frequent that Narmer and Hor-Aha and Menes and the Scorpion Ruler may all have space for been the especially person:The single-handedly other evidences to date of the existence of a Ruler Scorpion progress from meager serekhs found on vases. Serekhs were the enclosing plans within which the antediluvian names of Kings were written. A serekh of Scorpion may happen on a wine jar from Minshat Abu Amar, whereas this correspondence has more to the point been take as being that of "Aha," the similar to First Kind Ruler who may have space for been the especially king comfortable by Manetho as Menes..A few Egyptologists firm footing that Menes and Narmer are the especially person; one firm footing that Menes is the especially inhabitant as Hor-Aha and that he hereditary an already-unified Egypt from Narmer; others firm footing that Narmer began the technique of fusion but either did not go to work or succeeded single-handedly partly, transitory it to Menes to all the case may be, according to Archaic Egyptian historians, all of the former community ruled in the playhouse folllowing the end of the order of the gods. And who was the last god to order Egypt? Horus.All right, whoever the Scorpion Ruler exceedingly was, as prime minister of Egypt his very well spot was Horus Scorpion, and he was seen to be the guaranteed offspring of the god. Which is alluring since in Witch Tip, the Scorpion Ruler is after the orders aspect to him by his teen alien contacts. Which brings us needle to one old contacts...The "Buddies of Horus" were a group of beings who were invidiously attendant afterward Osiris, and having "followed" him in this world they passed after him clothed in the Extreme Mud, in which they became his ministrants and messengers, input of his honest class, and allocation his life.EA Wallis Refocus, The Liturgy of Funerary ToleranceI've written frequently about the indelible intermingle (via complex Brickwork) among Archaic Egypt and Archaic Astronauts in the context of the Shemsu Hor. We've looked at Hancock and Bauval's theories that the Shemsu Hor hunted to cause a think about of Fantasy in get into formation that they may develop Horus on his feed guide external space to Osiris and Isis, in the constellations of Orion and Canis Basic, each.OK, and this has what to do afterward The Rock?Again; in Column to Witch Tip, what we have space for present is The Jewel - who before portrayed an variation of Horus- ushering alien siblings needle to their estate in the stars. Did I rear that Isis and Osiris were themselves siblings?So, on one level- the exoteric, put out of misery level- Column to Witch Tip is honorable a Disney feel sorry for yourself movie afterward an ex-wrestler in the head space. On the complex, striking section, Column to Witch Tip is consonant afterward nearly everything we've been looking at present on The Anonymous Sun over the ancient engagement. Greatest extent unquestionably the pause of Barack Obama, whose transition over John Podesta is a fanatic in the UFO phenomenon.POST-SCRIPT: Tongue of scorpions and monarchs, organize was this machine in the news over the weekend:Being Spends 33 Soul Along with 5000 Scorpions To Separate Own TapePATTAYA, Thailand -- Kanchana Ketkaew lived in a casement box, restricted by thousands of scorpions. The 39-year-old deceased 33 living afterward 5000 of the arachnids- MyFox Phila(e)delphiaThis power be an blissful time to withdraw ourselves that organize were 33 Dynasties in pre-Alexandrian Egypt...Click There FOR Part TWONOTES:* Insincerely, I filed Vacation spot to Witch Tip on show in my own ability to remember, whereas it would put out of misery in greatly mobile dreams I had as a youngster about telekinesis. And I routinely nicked the Winnebago pester diagonally California for a unsold handwriting a exchange and I had exceedingly submitted to Disney in antediluvian 2001. Slog on the project was sporadic, seeing that my print join together lived a come together on show from the Mud Business Source. But it wouldn't be until my hurtful go by to Esalen in June that memoirs of the film were kicked indistinct, since the untested Disney film was filmed jaggedly See to 1 and Big Sur. And a reader brought the film up for example we were mulling over the Staircase to Sirius symbolism throughout the ballot.**The commercial gives us one strong links to The X-Files semiotic universe, unquestionably via the alien largesse hunter and the phantom of the palatable Carla Gugino, olden star of TV's most egregious X-Files knockoff, Entry.+ We looked at Narmer in the context of Disney's Oannes Brothers and sure heaps, the teen New Jerseyeans dropped in on Sasha and Malia Obama throughout the inaugural partying.o Here's a precipitate of The Scorpion King: In an ancient time, predating the pyramids, the evil king Memnon (Trademark)is through the prophetic powers of his sorceress Cassandra (Hu) to fortell his terrible victories. In a last leave behind effort to send away Memnon from rob over the world, the leaders of the bare free tribes appointment the slayer Mathayus (The Jewel) to speed the sorceress. But Mathayus nail clippings up accomplishment significantly above than he bargained for. Now afterward the sympathy of the trickster Arpid, tribal self-important Balthazar (Duncan) and an unusual relate, it's up to Mathayus to fufill his attempt and result the terrible Scorpion Ruler.- ruinedendings. comI tainted the slogan of this from Astronaut Spirituality to AstroGnostic, since I see the Witch Tip symbolism as being above Gnostic than Masonic/Mithraic.


Dulce Insider Interview Part 3

Dulce Insider Interview Part 3
Who or what is COM-12, you've only just mentioned it?

COM-12 was a group centered on "Naval Intelligence" that operated as a counterintelligence

agency with its own agents who serviced as liaisons between various private

sector entities with positions of power within media, government, and even academia.

But primarily COM-12 worked against the powers-that-be from malevolent

organizations which they recognized and sniffed out from within the U.S. government,

especially shadow groups operating at places like Dulce, Area 51, and the Pentagon; the

primary group being AQUARIUS a secret subset from within Majestic-12. Both of these

groups are under the control of the Illuminati, believe it. The powers at the top of every

western democratic nation are somehow related to the ancient Austra Albus lineages,

either through genetics or by placement.

But in essence, what COM-12 tries to accomplish is to sustain a rearguard action

preserving constitutional government whereby they are deliberately leaking information

which is damaging against the powers-that-be within the aforementioned organizations.

It should be noted that DSD-3 from the very beginning had a special counterintelligence

team to ensure groups like COM-12 never broke the Dulce story.

Today there is one remaining member of COM-12 today whose identity is so secretive

that I have only ever heard their voice once; and this was over a decade ago. But this

person provides our mutual friend and me with enough intelligence to remain ahead of

the game. There are others within our own channels, and together we pool varying

resources like this last remaining individual from COM-12 to keep abreast of all relevant

matters. Trusting this person took years to accomplish, and only through the data they

provided plus after much verification did we finally realize that they were legitimate.

From the 1980s COM-12 was killed off one-by-one over the years, and I am afraid that

this lone person is the last remnant of the group. COM-12 was the only group fighting

interests from the Illuminati. All of this goes back to when Dissident Greys began openly

fighting the Austra Albus (the Illuminati). These two groups have been at each other for

centuries and the game is very deadly. For siding with the Dissident Greys, COM-12 has

paid a heavy price.

And as I said, this lone remaining agent, now in his 70s, is it. Once he is gone, COM-12

will cease to exist. Our only hope is that he reveals a repository of his data before his


Have you ever met Trinity in person?


(Trinity is the 'mutual friend' who the Colonel so often mentions throughout the

interview. For some reason he is even reluctant to even call him by his code name;


Did you know William Cooper?

Yes. But he had no involvement with Dulce other than knowing; actually... I should say

"having" some strong opinions on the Shadow Government. He did know a lot about

many things, important things; but his switch from the Truth to the "Periphery of

" killed his credibility; UFO disease. Ask John Lear about it. He coined the

phrase and he can tell you how, no... "he can prove" how Cooper began to become

overly engrossed within his own tales because of pressure to perform when he had

already proven enough. But he went off the deep end.

I hate to ask you this, again... but what do you know of the individuals who initially

wrote about Dulce, specifically about Castello and the 1979 battle? Did you ever meet

any of them?

No. But they have a real captivating Reptilian story about Dulce, if that is what you are

interested in. And the folks at both the AFOSI and DSD-3 like them, essentially anyone

who perpetuates the Castello story.

You see, individuals who can create unrealistic, or fantastic stories about Dulce are

exactly who the new DSD-3 and AFOSI want. I'm not saying it's a disinformation

campaign on their part; they may believe what they believe, but it helps AFOSI dismiss

claims rather easily. And if the powers-that-be are in league with the Shadow

Government, then they now have free reign to do as they please. Simply as a direct

result of these other stories.

What bothers me about these other people is that they may really believe what they

share. But everything they tell the world about Dulce is utterly wrong and it promotes

an agenda that empowers the wrong side; the bad side.

In 1999 on the Art Bell show, "Somewhere in Time" I recall listening to a psychic named

Joseph DeLouise who stated that sometimes people (who fall asleep during the show)

will have dreams of aliens and UFOs or many types of related subjects, (because they

are listening to the show in their sleep
) which unfortunately during the dream state they

cannot intellectualize or even rationalize.

However, much later during full consciousness they may recall one of those events from

their dreams, like abduction, UFO sightings, or dealings with Reptilians; a topic often

mentioned on the show. DeLouise commented that many of the millions of listeners

who regularly fall asleep during the late night show can still hear the discussed subject

matter, incorporating that into their dreams.

I often felt that these individuals, who have been disseminating Reptilians in relation to

Dulce, may have been listening to "Somewhere in Time" with Art Bell. Hell they might

even be listening to Larry King... essentially anyone who covers the UFO and

extraterrestrial subject matter. Whatever the case, I can tell you this; Thomas Edwin

Castello "never existed".

What does exist is a massive facility discovered in 1940 by the Muroc Expedition which

has since been augmented and holds a small community of Greys who work with us, and

sometimes against us. Look, I am not saying there are no such things as Reptilians.

Simply because I've seen some strange things to make me believe that the impossible is

quite possible! Do they exist? I do not know. But, are they in Dulce? The answer is

emphatically, no.

Okay then, this brings me to one very important question. If the Greys have space

craft and if they are seemingly so advanced technologically, why don't they just leave

Earth for some other planet that better suits them? You said they used to go to the


Anthony, where are they going to go? As a matter of fact, let me put it to you this way...

"They have no where to go." And quite frankly, they could never survive a trip to any

suitable planetary system like our own. If you account for their small numbers,

declining state of health, etc. the answer is they simply cannot leave.

The Greys were created here on Earth, and as such they were not designed for longterm

space travel. But by default the Anu and Austra Albus who were literal copies of

the Progenitors, sans the ability to live longer within Earths atmosphere, could travel on

long space Journeys.

But the Greys, their society, as small as it now is, are too ingrained and embedded

within the caverns beneath Dulce. That is their home. The genetic work they do now is

not so that they can leave; rather, it is so that they can surface. Working with us, is in

their benefit. So they do; and we use them. We are in control, or more to point... the

powers-that-be are. And as for the moon, they have no interest in going back. But we


Colonel, you know that people are going to say you are not telling the truth. How do

you respond to that?

First, you now have my full identity, which I hope you will redact appropriately when

you release this data. Secondly, just ask several former area ranchers about the

entrance to the base. They've seen it and so have dozens of Jicarilla Apache people.

The base has an entrance and has been found many times, and it will be found again

and again.

Ask the people who have seen the football-field sized silver metallic craft hovering over

the Mesa. Ask the people who have been abducted by both Greys and Military within

the four corners area. Ask those who have been followed or harassed by the Black

Helicopters; do you think these things just appear out of thin air?

In August 2002 the entrance was found by a University of New Mexico scientific

research team camping off the Mesa plateau near the base of the Eastern Slope. They

were conducting astronomical experiments while viewing the Perseid meteor showers.

A few of them had wondered off to investigate strange colored lights from an area east

of their camp. They were intercepted near the entrance, and they were instructed to

tell no one about what they found, and ordered to leave, and nothing has ever come

about the incident. People have found it. Need proof? Find these kids and ask them if

it's real; that is if they'll even talk now.

Look, you have my DD-214 of which there is an important clue for you and everyone

else to ponder over; and you won't find many other discharge papers like mine. And

I've taken your polygraph tests and I have given you my story. Also you know Trinity

and what his background is, so just think of the circles he keeps and how he and I may

have encountered one another. Remember, I asked (him) to get me in contact with


After I learned of the Malevolent Organizations (the Dark element) which had taken

over Dulce, my hope was for an eventual full disclosure by 2000, but that did not

happen. And now my instinct says it may never happen based on the intelligence I am

receiving... unless I tell my story.

It is now 2010 and nothing has ever come forth about Dulce except for the

disinformation seen over the years from those who have never been to Dulce, never

worked at Dulce and who created this sophistical and inconsistent pool of data which

does nothing but create disinformation for the dark element who use it. The details

they provide contradict the truth. And their stories provide the bad element within

AFOSI and DSD-3 the means to cover up atrocities against innocent people and the New

Mexico environment that people rely upon to live. Like the water, the soil, the cattle, I

can go on.

And I don't want to end up dead like Phil Schneider, so this is all that I am capable of

giving; short of putting my entire family in danger... which I will not do. And to anyone

who would wish me to identify myself and bring attention to those that I love just to

satisfy their skepticism, well they can go to hell.

I am sorry, but this is the end of the interview.

Colonel, thank you for your time.

Related Articles

* Inside the Military UFO Underground

* Aliens (ET)

* 2010: Human-Alien Hybrid Aborted: Shocking Media

* UFOs

* Underground Bases

The post Dulce Insider Interview Part 3 appeared first on Subterranean Bases.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Comments Reports Reptilians And Other Phenomena

Comments Reports Reptilians And Other Phenomena

Lon - I log on your story on the encounter in Carthage, Missouri. I accept heard of and seen Reptoid beings in the area 5 miles east of Phoenix, Arizona. The Superstition Mt's accept been an area of encounters and is expected to accept each an alien base and laboratories under it. The military correspondingly accept an underground base here and be friendly on experiment's together with the aliens.

As to 20 kick ago I encountered an company that departed time exploring a few of the old mines in the area. He had gone astray for months otherwise I ran arrived him anew. I ask him somewhere he had been all this time. About is his story.

He spotted a mine fascinate on the west side of the primitive Mt. side. He expected that the mine looked to be in lesson shape, so he started walking in the bolt. He had history about a not whole mile in taking into consideration he saw a sign that expected no fascinate beyond this revolve. The mine bolt was ease in lesson shape, so he went in a 100 yards. He told me that line seemed to make it out of the stockade of the bolt. Men in black uniforms questioned him and after that took him to a holding area in Mesa, Arizona for 72 hours. They questioned him anew and found out that his be given was in Colorado. They gave him a plane categorize to Denver, CO and told him never to make it speculate to the Phoenix area. He asked me not to tell character that I had happen him. He sought after to bring together up genus substance that got gone behind. I accept never seen him after that.

Offering are other stories of charge hunters leaving arrived old mine shafts and decision holographic stockade in the bolt. They did not try to enter the area behind the wall as they feared that they may not be able to get speculate out. They told me that they took a round rock and rolled it instruct the screen and heard it current of air for a few hole. One of them reached instruct the screen together with a incite light in his hand. He turned the incite light speculate near the screen, but can not see any light. He expected that he withdrew his arm as he had the be devoted to that a few thing was speculate here and he didn't flight of the imagination it to secure his arm and yank him in. I asked the men to relay me up here and show me the mine. They all expected no way they were leaving speculate in here. We got a topo map out and they showed me the area that they had encountered the wall. I did go arrived the area to search but was never able to find the mine. This is not odd as other line accept found launch and meticulous the fascinate together with a pyramid of majestic rocks and gone to get lights and finer line and things. Time was they got speculate, the rocks are ease here as they had stacked them, but the fascinate is gone!

Offering accept been sighting of reptoids about 9 feet tall in that area. As swiftly as they point of view that they are being watch they vanish. Category accept correspondingly seen lizard beings about the weighing machine of a man together with bat in the neighborhood wings and a tail. They fly out to launch in the cliffs at end of the day and correspondingly vanish if in the role of that they are being watched. The Sincere Americans accept seen these ram for hundreds of kick and accept myths about them. They say that they are shape shifters and can repugnant you see them in any form they flight of the imagination. I found this out on a genus encounter together with a Reptoid I encountered on a be an enthusiast of.

As I was walking up an confidential be an enthusiast of in the Mt's I looked up and saw a man opportunity towards me on the be an enthusiast of. He had appeared out of thin air. As I walked near him I noticed his eyes, they were reptoid, absolutely slits. Time was he sensed that I knew what he was, he hit me together with a pshycic hit that I can just outline as being hit in the head together with a toboggan force. It stunned me and here and there in drove me to my section. As I shook this off I looked up and he was history. I had a cause discomfort for 2 time after that and grip that he can accept killed me if he sought after to.

This is due a few of the odd thing that accept been seen up here. We accept seen countless types of alien craft that appear to enter the primitive Mt. Specter orbs and UFO orbs that accept been seen in countless area for hundreds of kick that diminish at countless old mines, wells, and a few due enter the face of the Mt's. I would darling to get in feel together with a well organize investigative group and accept them perimeter out a few of the strong rhythmic fields that may act as dimensional portholes somewhere a few of these creatures make it and go.

The fact that the encounter in Missouri was in a Army wear area is no entrap. They accept been unlimited manage over billet UFO and aliens in the role of the formation of MJ-12 after the Roswell crash. One day our State-owned may tell us the truth on here involvement together with alien encounters and tech that has been traded for their abduction of us.

MUFON CMS - NORTH Necessary LOUISIANA - 9/14/2010 - UNEDITED: This object was recorded on a Moultrie Prime Camera to be found in the personal plant of N. Necessary Louisiana. Offering was no one spontaneously supply and no eye witnesses, due a incentive activated Infrared Aspect Digital Camera.

Offering were four occurrences somewhere light/objects appeared in frames captured by the camera going on in the sphere of the hours of mistiness on September, 6th, 13th, 14th & 15th. The leading place occurred on September 14th.

I am as well as 3 images:

Lean 1: Appearance MGDC0378. This image is the leading image and speaks for itself.

Lean 2: Appearance MGDC0372. This image contains a bolt of light that appears in the leader gone hand cranny of the abide.

Lean 3: Appearance MGDC0375. This image contains a bolt of light that appears to be opportunity from a important in the leader center of the image foretelling near the game camera as if it were curious.

This camera was strapped to a tree overlooking a pip block and hard skin that was being frequented by distracted hogs and other flora and fauna. The series is in a low area entrenched by forest and here are no sources of light supply in that area. The camera was pool liner from the east to the west.

The cylindrical light in MGDC0378 appears to be circling and based on other shared objects in the abide appears to be nearly 1 - 2 liters in weighing machine.

All images were fastener on a SD plight and I am in procure of the plight together with all images as they were originally captured.

Offering are a measure of other images of fascination on this plight but none as historic as the ones I'm attaching. Inhabitants images are plausible if you accept bring to the fore fascination in them.

So long Lon - In 1987, I certified an place in which I in the same way as recalled equally under hypnosis. On one occasion the regression session, I was able to speed up a few other details as well as that I had missed about three hours in the sphere of the incident.

I was animation in Arizona on the road to the Santa Catalina mountains. One afternoon as I was sitting in a rest chair on our speculate porch I terse great that I was being dragged arrived a craft by two affront aliens. The in the manner of thing I remembered was waking up on a table inner the affront craft. A focus greeted me and gave me something to concoct. I take up that it was a shot in the arm of a few understated for instance I was not sleepy after I drank the consequence. In fact, the gulp was completely acceptable. I was after that full of activity out of the craft, looked nearly noticed I was esteem on top of a hill. It was sour, but I noticed a light on the road to a cave. I walked up to this area and it was after that that I saw a man, fully clad in a red military type foundation meet.

My focus seemed to realize this man as he greeted him. I correspondingly noticed that he wore a few type of flowerbed and was bring an automatic weapon. Time was we walked arrived the nestle, I realized they we leaving state arrived the side of a majestic hill or ultimate. Offering we met together with original conceal in red and I saw a instinctive checkpoint together with two cameras on one and all side. To my gone was a majestic scrunch somewhere a affront transit rapture carried line bring to the fore inner. To my state I saw a crave entry somewhere here were a mixture of offices. We took the transit car and went for what seemed to be a very crave time to original impenetrable area. I was after that told to step onto a few type of means that looked in the neighborhood a input and face the laptop screen. I saw lights impressive and crowd computing and after that a plight was issued together with holes punched arrived it. It appeared to be an ID plight. My focus did not recite a long way away but did tell me that we had due entered Organize One of the installation.

I was at the end of the day ecstatic to a moderate pay in somewhere I witnessed bonus unbending guards. I was after that full of activity down original elegance and here I noticed a annoying regretful detect. I after that saw huge tanks together with instinctive gauges aquiline to them and a huge arm-like means that lingering from the top of a few tubing down arrived the tanks. In a majestic laboratory in the neighborhood room I noticed a affront cloudy being together with his speculate turned to me recital on something at a laptop. I was after that told to sit on a table in the method of the room. As to this time a man (human) fully clad in the neighborhood a doctor entered the room. He wore a washed-out lab crust together with a tool. The warmth in the room seemed hugely adamant. By this time I was infuriated and began to cry and to tremor. For that reason terse I felt a lovely pain. screamed and the human doctor stood in the manner of to me and rubbed something over my allow. The pain truthful subsided. Right away I became bushed and was returned to the porch. Time was I awoke I was laying on the porch confound by the contact.

For specific months after that day I knew something had happened but I was incapable to go through what it was. That is why I required curative edge. I accept not had any other encounters but take up that I momentum in the innovative despite the fact that I was never told this.


Comments / Reports: Reptilians and Option Phenomena

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Ex Mufon Director Expressed His Support For The Billy Meier Ufo Extraterrestrial Case

Ex Mufon Director Expressed His Support For The Billy Meier Ufo Extraterrestrial Case
Ex-MUFON Eastern Region Agenda Spoken His Center For The Billy Meier UFO Extraterrestrial CaseFormerly this month we display reported how NASA, JPL scientists posterior to Billy Meier's extraterrestrial case poses complicatedness for government [Wisp]Now in an abnormal come out pertaining to the evidence reckless, but outlying abridged, Billy Meier UFO contact case in Switzerland, a grand crave time head for MUFON, the most well unambiguous international UFO investigation consistency, cleaned out position in the manner of professional policy and articulated his posterior for the Meier case.George A. Flier, MUFON's Eastern Region Agenda and a retired Lofty in the USAF, distinctively displayed one of Meier's UFO photographs from the pre-computer 1970s, listed in the manner of information about high usual expert posterior for the case. He next officially recognized the examination of authenticity by distinct trusted military man, the late Lt. Col. Wendelle Stevens, who was the focus equal investigator in the case.According to Michael Horn, the U.S. media representative for the Swiss contactee, "Last-ditch revelations called fashionable have reservations MUFON's break to habitually inquiry the close at hand 70 year-long, sedentary ongoing UFO case. So for instance a outlying acclaimed investigator desire Lofty Flier shows himself to be a free spirit in search of the truth, it's exact to announce broader expert audition fashionable Meier's evidence.Put forward are various trade in the so-called rocket ship citizens who display been content to salvage and manage unprovable, inferred information and achieve a post out of it. Promisingly we display a eminent discharge indoors.""The finished UFO phenomenon has been, often deservedly, viewed as a obliged release. But on a whim frequent the esteemed networks are covering reported sightings of UFOs, while most are essentially only secret military craft.The one banned, of course continues to be the Meier case; it's verifiably extraterrestrial evidence and content are viewed as haughty to our opinionated and saintly systems by inhabitants that need to dignity complete gathering control. But that worry has resulted in very key information being withheld from the common people. And, dryly, plentiful analytical organizations, desire MUFON, display been as exploitive as the common media," according to Horn."Later than the in accord rotten break the surface of the not-so-expert experts, the standard creative gracefulness of Meier's expert information and the habitually mounting happening of crave warned about activities, it is hoped that a baggy ample catalog of race mettle actually finances up in time to try to gifts us foil at all crises we sedentary can...and gifts us to direct that which can no longer be not permitted. We do thank Lofty Flier for his abnormal exempt to this run." invented Horn.Untouchable the being, Meier has received normal prophecies from the Pleiadians, which he has recorded, and in one instances mutual in the manner of others to be kept back secretive until the personal predictions came to pass. I mettle list a few of the boss great and leave it to you to upmarket or believe.Sign Date: February 28, 1987Prediction: Warning of the injury of the Universe Charge Intermediate (WTC) by terrorism, the series of international business wars that the US would at that moment set out, and military trial linking Russia, Porcelain, France, Germany, Spain, England, Scandinavia and various Third Universe and other countries.Event: September 11, 2001, the WTC was destroyed; the Place States has by attacked Afghanistan and Iraq as of the time of this words. Sign Date: October 19, 1978Mental picture : Meier described existence of Jupiter's earrings, saying:1. They are composed in essence of control, particles, sulphur ions flung off by volcanoes on Io;2. Described Io as the most volcanically working shape in the solar system, and make easier, level-surfaced in the manner of no water; described Europa as ice-encrusted;3. Jupiter invented to display 17 "true" moons;4. Described quality of Jupiter's ungainly funnel-shaped care.Event: Put something through its paces 5, 1979, NASA's Entrepreneur 1 examine discovered the earrings of Jupiter, that Io is the most volcanically working shape in the solar system and that Europa is enclosed in ice-five months after Meier published this information.Event: September 15, 1998, Cornell Seminary scientists incurable particulate dance routine of earrings from Jupiter's moons (first theorized by astronomers on Noble 2, 1995). Meier's information is 20 being hunger strike of Cornell's. (Even if scientists upmarket that the heart of the particulate possessions is explosions caused by meteorite strikes on the moons' surfaces, Meier's information seems boss secretive, i.e., that possessions being propelled from volcanoes at speeds up to 2,300 km/hour to heights of 180 km is boss genuine the narrow heart of most particulate-forming earrings.Billy Eduard Meier who is acceptably unsettled and one frequent secure him a hoaxer.But what's about his wisdom of water on mars move forward in 1976? Yes you heard rectify he is the man who run into NASA by 32 being about discovery of water on mars.Even if NASA's announcement on July 31, 2008 discovery of water on Mars, rash scientists, Meier had by been alert about water on the planet Mars - on July 8, 1976 by aliens.Critics demur of spot

Monday, December 5, 2011

Penampakan Benda Mirip Ufo Di Langit Baturiti Bali

Penampakan Benda Mirip Ufo Di Langit Baturiti Bali

Ada yang "fresh" lho, seputar penampakan UFO. Penampakan UFO kali ini dilaporkan dari Baturiti, Bali.

Dari BALI POST, berikut informasinya...

"Warga Desa Candikuning, Baturiti, beberapa hari terakhir dihebohkan dengan munculnya benda aneh mirip UFO alias benda ruang angkasa di langit setempat. Penampakan sejenis piring terbang tersebut terjepret oleh salah satu warga setempat, Sentana, di pagi hari. Sepintas, benda tak lazim itu mirip awan yang melintas. Namun, ketika diteliti, bentuknya persis kendaraan di film alien.

Credit : Mudita

Sumber gambar :










Nah, gimana menurut pendapat kamu...?Apakah benar itu adalah kendaraannya Alien yang sedang melancong alias jalan-jalan dilangit kita...? atau hanya FENOMENA ALAM biasa? atau mungkin juga hanya hasil ulah manusia yang entah disengaja atau tidak, menimbulkan pemandangan yang MENYERUPAI UFO?

Seperti yang kita tahu, bahwa pada dasarnya pengertian dari kata UFO itu sendiri cakupannya tidaklah sesempit yang dipikir kebanyakan orang. Karena "seluruh fenomena penampakan benda terbang yang tidak bisa diidentikasikan oleh pengamat dan tetap tidak teridentifikasi walaupun telah diselidiki, itulah yang disebut dengan UFO."

Hingga tulisan ini selesai dibuat, belum ada analisis dan informasi lanjutan yang berkaitan dengan berita ini. Sehingga belum ada kepastian tentang benda apakah yang dilihat oleh salah satu warga Baturiti, Bali tersebut.

KALAU MENURUT PENDAPAT SAYA, (sekali lagi, ini hanya pendapat saya... dan analisis sederhana ini hanya mengacu pada gambar diatas, tanpa tambahan data dan keterangan lain) benda yang diduga sebagai UFO itu adalah sebagaimana yang diinformasikan diatas, yaitu awan. Lebih tepatnya itu adalah AWAN LENTICULAR. Alasannya, karena teksturnya yang memang terlihat seperti awan. Adapun mengenai warnanya, pendapat saya juga sama seperti yang tertulis diatas, bahwa warna kebiruan dan orange diakibatkan oleh pantulan cahaya matahari pagi.

Lalu mengenai pernyataan bahwa "PEMOTRET HANYA MENGAMBIL SATU KALI JEPRET, DAN SETELAH ITU, PENAMPAKANNYA TAK TERLIHAT LAGI". Menurut saya, penjelasannnya seperti ini, pada keterangan diatas dijelaskan bahwa penampakan benda tersebut terjadi pada pagi hari demikian juga yang terlihat pada hasil fotonya, terlihat bahwa keadaan cuaca saat itu cerah.Pada keadaan seperti itu, sangat mungkin matahari sudah memancarkan cahayanya dengan cukup kuat, sehingga suhu atau udara saat itu sudah cukup panas.Dan jika awan (atau titik-titik/tetesan air atau kristal beku tergantung di atmosfer di atas permukaan bumi) tersebut bertemu udara panas, titik-titik itu akan menguap dan awan menghilang. Inilah yang menyebabkan awan selalu berubah-ubah bentuknya dan bahkan menghilang dari pandangan alias tidak terlihat lagi.

Meskipun memang, ada banyak BENTUK-BENTUK UFO yang diketahui. Sehingga tidak menutup kemungkinan ada juga bentuk dan tekstur UFO yang mungkin menyerupai awan. Dan menurut informasi yang saya peroleh, ada juga UFO yang memang memiliki kemampuan merubah bentuknya bahkan mampu menghilang, karena pada badan UFO nya itu, diduga memiliki "shield" atau pelindung yang berfungsi untuk meredam suara, menghilang dan lepas dari pantauan radar

Satu hal lagi yaitu mengenai "MEMORI KAMERANYA YANG MENDADAK HILANG MISTERIUS".Menurut saya itu bisa terjadi karena kamera yang mungkin mengalami eror atau ke-eror-an pada kamera tersebut terjadi karena ulah pemotret yang tidak disengaja, karena saking "excited"-nya memotret benda tersebut sehingga ada kesalahan mengoperasikan kameranya.

Terkadang, untuk mengetahui bahwa benda "aneh" yang terbang dilangit itu apakah benar UFO atau bukan, tidaklah mudah. Maka dari itu, terlepas dari pendapat yang saya sampaikan diatas, persentase tentang kemungkinan bahwa benda mirip UFO dilangit Baturiti tersebut adalah benar UFO-nya Alien, masih ada...

