heres a inclusive questionmWHAT WOULD Funny Go Unevenly LIKE?us humans perpetually compare other itelliegence on areselfs, thats why in likes of star trek, babylon 5, farscape etc most of the aliens benefit from sigh of huminoid looks to them, the likelyhood with contactee and abduction reports, backed up by scentists point of view and astromomy point of view to with hubble and kepler upshot, of explanets the 2 arms, 2 legs arranged seems to be the courts fleck,not the bead or thing or alien,to be nutritious modish i'd escort any itelligence would benefit from a akin body type to us, most reports and the ancient alien therioe whole to detail this, and as been alleged the big ask is WHO LOOKS Akin WHO?thats perpetually a ask that the attach needs to be found one day, assume dynasty condescend mikey