Friday, January 4, 2013

Paranormal Geeks Quiz

Paranormal Geeks Quiz
Who says, "What the fetch?"

. What show proposes that earth might have been visited by otherworldly beings in the past and evidence is all around us

. These names are involved in what field? John Edward, Dean Radin, J.B. Rhine, Edgar Cayce.

. What happened at Bluff Creek?

. Which episode of the movie series "Halloween" did not involve Michael Myers?

. What were Betty and Barney Hill known for?

. Can you name a famous cryptid?

. What is the name of Josh Gates' show?

. What does EVP stand for?

. Where was the most infamous supposed UFO crash from 1947?

Now, count your correct answers (below) and find out your degree of Paranormal Geek-dom

Answers and Rating

. Grant Wilson (TAPS) "Ghost Hunters" show

. "Ancient Aliens"

. PSI (psychic)

. Filming of Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot film.

. "Halloween III: Season of the Witch."

. Alien abduction

. Bigfoot/Sasquatch/Yeti, Jersey Devil, mothman, chupacabra, Loch Ness monster, thunderbird.

. "Destination Truth"

. Electronic voice phenomena.

. Roswell, NM

9-10 correct answers: You are the ultimate paranormal geek. There is not much left that you haven't studied.

6-8 correct answers: You are a weekend paranormal geek. You put your spare bits of time into it, but you are not a professional yet.

3-5 correct answers: You might like it, but you're not living it.

0-2 correct answers: You don't even like paranormal stuff, do you?
