Saturday, May 11, 2013

Head To Head With A Chupa

Head To Head With A Chupa
Most of you who read this blog have, I'm sure, heard the dark tales of the so-called "Texas Chupacabras" - those weird, hairless canines that have been seen roaming the woods of the Lone Star State for the last few years.

Well, as you may also know, over the course of the last few years, I have made several trips to Puerto Rico looking for the island's very own vampire - which, in some ways, resembles the Texas Chupacabras; but that in other ways is acutely different.

Anyway, that thorny and controversial issue aside, in the latter part of last year I gave a lecture for the San Antonio chapter of the "MUTUAL UFO NETWORK" ("MUFON"). And who should come along to the lecture? None other than "MUFON" legend, and former head of the group, Walt Andrus.

But, there's more...

Walt brought along with him to my presentation nothing less than the skull of one of the hairless whatsits killed in Texas, and that many believe to be a cousin of the blood-sucking beast of Puerto Rico. The skull had been donated to Walt by its former owner.

And, there's even more!

Imagine my surprise when, a week or so ago, John Schwab (who currently runs the "SAN ANTONIO MUFON "group) emailed me to say that Walt wished to donate the skull to me - a skull that has just now arrived at my Arlington, Texas home.

Mercifully, I suspect the mailman had no idea at all of the monstrous form that he was depositing on my doorstep...

So, now, thanks to Walt, John, Julie and all at "SA MUFON", an honest-to-goodness Texas Chupacabras (or hairless dog, depending on your own, personal opinion...) sits proudly upon my office desk. And, as evidence, here is a photo of the monstrous critter taken earlier this evening (I'm on the left; the monstrous critter is on the right...).

My wife, Dana, utterly hates it already...

