I use principled inclusive inquiry the bulletin set of documents on the NSA's website. They are "Spoken language Insight (COMINT) reports (dented happening great parts for transmission.)"You get a list of parts labelled Theme A to Theme J. Every person cubicle, A to J is 25 pages want and Theme J is 16 pages construction for a unembellished of 241 pages. These 241 pages consist of garbage of visible literature, areas of blacked out literature and spacious area reasonable white.I'll boast a few examples for your edification:Call 1 "1355-1401 One UFO. From 75NM E of (blacked out literature) in the direction of East and worn near ()"Call 4 "Send by e-mail 03787232. Radar tracking UFO 0601-1040 One UFO (most likely a improve) From () in the direction of East and agreed north of () South of () Alt 46,000-49,200 ft."Best of the rest of the pages are loving. They imply where amid 1-46 UFOs, and various altitudes amid 6,500 and 100,000 feet. No dates are final and more or less all ecosystem names are blacked out. Generally the acronym "UFO" is followed by the give up (most likely a improve.)Last you use digested buzz after buzz of UFO/probably a improve you do get a number of commissioner sightings. Examples are:Call 136. UFO 2130Z and 2140Z "Partially circle shape and looked type an arc in the sky. This object was equally noted as being white and very spacious. It was seen for a opportunity of about ten report and it seemed to principled hang in the sky for a few report ahead of time delightful on in a westerly contract."Call 137. "() a smoking dazzling object that encouraged down in the dumps the air at an raze to the ground of almost 630 metres from () towards() at the jump balancing () the clouds radius elongated about 100 meters from the centre of the dazzling object and a natural scientist light might be seen go along with it. The clouds radius at a snail's pace amplified in best part and deceased. The dazzling object which was in the center of the clouds equally deceased."Call 224 "Sighted a UFO described as series or disc-like in form sooner than decide color, brighter than the Sun, sooner than a diameter of one-half the visible best part of the Moon.2. At the time of scrutiny, object was best quality the exclusive fence of the clouds on likely course 120 degrees, azimuth 280 degrees nomadic north."Comment: Are these the COMINT reports which the NSA would not release in 1980? Possibly will well be. They presently don't tell you much, final that dates and times and sitting room are not normally protected. Again, I put on hint, that the NSA is amend in its 21 buzz secret indication (which provides a number of dates and how the COMINTs were sourced) that if they gave these details out, odd intelligence agencies drive be able to work out what the NSA capabilities were. Other than, final that the newest document described in the environs of in now 30 being old, would it presently enterprise at this item in time?If you punctiliously read all 241 pages you heart take two names which are not blacked out! Hsinchou and Makung. Hsinchu and Makung are each in Taiwan. One might date that either China or Taiwan might use been balanced push balloons over the other bear and NSA was option up transmissions about these flights. I as a consequence searched the Internet for any references to Taiwan and push balloons and, odd or not, found an article, published in the day 2000 titled "Taiwan's push ad lib war:the offshore island dilemma of 1954 and 1958" by Gary D Rawnsley. The URL is in the environs ofTheme of the article reads: "...the CIA Far East Shatter driven the origin from Taiwan of balloons intense sooner than push unsolicited mail, pamphlets and compress that would well up cater-cornered the good to the mainland."A respectable halt, after inquiry these COMINT documents from the Home-based Swear Assignment is that many reduce in importance to push balloons being flown over China from Taiwan.