So, last night I emailed the Illinois MUFON director to inform him of my decision. I told him I would wait and take the exam at the end of the year, after the revisions had been made.
I don't know what I expected, but the email I got this morning in reply did not inspire confidence... The Illinois director says he is not aware that the Handbook and Exam are being replaced by new versions, and he will "have to check in with HQ" to find out more. Uh... ok. Meanwhile, it's been two weeks and nobody from MUFON has contacted me, my wife or my daughter to investigate our sighting. For a group dedicated to discovering the truth about UFOs, they sure do make life easy for those UFOs. If I was a UFO, I would not be quaking in my space boots.
More and more, it looks as though I may have to chart a new course, as a Lone Wolf UFO Field Investigator.