Saturday, July 27, 2013

Beyond Compartmentalization James Horak October 21 2011

Beyond Compartmentalization James Horak October 21 2011
Source:, Information MachineBEYOND COMPARTMENTALIZATIONby James Horak, October 21, 2011I was asked to write a review on Mr. Dan Sherman's interview with Mel Fabragas on Veritas. As with many such interviews it didn't take me long to fathom Mr. Sherman's truthfulness...just as it did not take long for me to grasp his use to the Air Force in their protracted enterprise that has come about more from obsession than science, more from desperation than calculation.When these people speak of "aliens" they are speaking exclusively of EBEs, not sentient beings but extra-biological automatons with a computer terminal. Sentient beings don't "refine" by evolution into atrophied mouth slits, losing means of reproduction by natural means and, above all, losing a genetic number. But they may, after losing any purpose, obtain some computer virus relegated to a closer association with a culture that has given them refuge from ET. Enough so that, in coping with their threat from ET, they implanted some similar virus in those they trade with, earth-bound humans, that they show an increasingly militarized society how best to develop their own extra-biologicals through extending forward these electromagnetic impulses into neural synapsis. A process, no longer meant to simply produce mercifully non-sentients for deep space exploration, but to alter sentients into regressed and ultra-specialized military units. The purpose of compartmentalization has only one objective, to keep the defined ultimate intention of a project secret. To do so, as in Mr. Sherman's case, he is told short term tasks with any application beyond what he needs to know for his job description only. In fact he is misinformed and misdirected away from anything beyond his "job".In this way, he is not privy to what the Air Force knew and they themselves defined about the EBEs, discerning them from ET, as early as 1972 in their own manuals on UFO recovery protocols. So to him, all "aliens" are sentient. And genetic experiments have a direct relevance to the EBEs when they do not. And that ET would have nothing to do with this aberrant practice. Just as Miss Isley was told that the EBEs that piloted the UFO taking her to the moon was reptilian when he was not. But that was what her superiors told her.Listen closely to the sound bytes Mr. Fabragas plays at the start of each of his interviews. The design indicated by them collectively points to the importance of secret motives and the preoccupation to interpret ET into an alien threat for unifying a New World Order. As we become more and more aware of the use of false flag operations used by the powers that be to socially engineer a world to their liking, we should be able to project that their would be no more ultimate false flag than that of an hostile alien thesis. Evidence of this projection was present as early as the late fifties and has been played upon by media in fiction and in think tank discussions many times since. Never view the vile motives of what these social engineers do in singles. They prefer you do since they can lay false motives that can be easily debunked in your way. Those easily diverted (for whatever reason) can easily be misled if their focus is kept so narrow. JCHRef:Examine Better the Anomaly of Earth to Learn Of What's Elsewhere...(Copyright 2007, James Horak - All Rights Reserved). The team consisted of anthropologists, two brain surgeons, reporters and camera crew, about 15 Ref:The Challenge Today of The PerceptionDec 15, 2007... The Challenge Today of The Perception of. A "Field Theory of Mind" by James C. Horak (Copyright 2008, James Horak - All Rights Reserved)