Friday, July 19, 2013

My Ufo Sightings

My Ufo Sightings
I was a firm believer of UFOs before my sightings though this was not my first time experiencing viewing UFOs. I've grown up viewing white orbs and other kinds in the sky but this encounter in Egypt was by far the closest that they ever got. My mom called me crazy for allowing myself to get that close to the Unknown and I won't lie, I was scared but the amazement overpowered any fear. I will never forget this just as I won't forget the time, I was lying on a blanket with a few friends in Lynchburg, Virginia, looking up at the night sky and a huge thing that was shaped like a comet but it was glowing with a big tail behind it that sparkled a most amazing color of gold. It sparkled like a diamond and was so brilliant. It flew right above me in the night sky, this was most likely a meteor but still wonderful.

The UFO phenomena has been with me, my whole life and never stops to amaze me. Here's my encounter in Egypt-

It was the 3rd week of June and I was staying in Alexandria, Egypt. My flat was on the 5th floor and the balcony overlooked the city with a small view of the Sea. I always loved to go out on the balcony and watch the city and look at the stars above. The beginning of that week was when I started viewing glowing bright Orbs in the sky.

I had gone to the balcony to relax, after a long day, and looked out at the night sky. It was around 3am, I noticed an un-blinking star moving leftwards and all of a sudden starting in an upwards direction in a fast paced shot towards the sky. But as it was halfway up there came a second orb that departed it. This Orb came towards me in a straight path, its speed was medium and its color was white-yellow. It was bright and glowing as it passed a few meters away from me. As it went past the building, I just stood there amazed and trying to catch my breath.

The second night, I went out on the balcony at around the same time wondering if I would see it again. About 15 minutes later, I noticed another moving star this time it was just moving left, and another bright Orb came towards me, this one was the same color but a little higher than the last one. Like the last one it was white-yellow in color and was unblinking. Its color was radiant and the lights shined off of them like shards. This one was moving a little slower than the previous one and passed a few meters away from me.

The third night, I went to the balcony, and once again noticed an unblinking star moving. This time it was moving up again, this one it moved slowly, and when it was a little ways up, it shot off another orb. This orb being the same as the others, traveled even closer to me at a slower pace as it passed by me. This time, the sighting was almost an hour later than the last ones.During all of these sightings, I had a very uneasy feeling, and but also an overpowering amazement.

Although I felt that I needed to try to document these orbs, I felt as if I did try they wouldn't appear. Nonetheless though on the 4th and 5th days, I borrowed a camera and was waiting, the orbs never reappeared as they did on the previous 3 days. I was able to witness a few orbs though, very high in the atmosphere those last 2 days but they were too high up for a clear picture.
