Date: November 12, 2010
Time: 9:55 p.m.
Position of Sighting: Te Anau Southland New Zealand.
Table of witnesses: 2
Table of Objects: 2
Healthiness of Objects: Luminescent rotund.
"Calculate Classification OF EVENT/SIGHTING:" Te Anau has fascinating clear skies due to it's remote and perfect orientation, we are used to seeing aircraft, specifically helicopters and light aircraft overhead. But my partner and I moreover saw the mystifying and quiet red light over the town on Friday 12th November. In fact we saw two - inwardly ten minutes of moreover other - train a heavy footprint tangentially the sky.
The bathe and stoutness of these objects confident for us that they can not be aircraft or satellites, they were too low, too bright and a mystifying rotund shape. I am significant that assorted other populace of the town apparition personal seen this phenomenon but, think the former lyricist and ourselves, be desultory to offering our names or details for misgivings of gibe.
We personal been surveillance the skies subsequent to poisoned confidence and misgivings for assorted being and this is the strangest thing we personal ever seen. Once again, we would very extreme think others to set up what we saw so we may be in a specialism to 'go common.
Hi, we've been sent a relationship to your Blogspot - ""
Interest develop to your observant spotter this explanation:
Two dialect = Sky Lantern
Friday night in Te Anau included a Divali subject (it's the leading Hindu festival and very enormous), we recognized a week late to invoice we weren't seen to be celebrating terrorism ("Guy Fawkes" which is moreover recognized locally), I couldn't get listless sky lanterns and procured 10 red ones from
They were big red tissue paper underlying editions (completely for weddings), we had maybe 10 witnesses to the invention of 4, in two lots of two arrived sundown, we gave 5 notwithstanding as presents as impart of the revelry and personal one gone which your unknown spotter is permit to personal (ask them to go to the Fiordland Films and situation themselves, or Trips and Tramps).
At night they glow and represent is a godsend the night watcher intensity personal seen the cardboard excruciating below the primitively paper hot air fill before is burnt out, all geological biodegradable components of course.
We without help personal one come together night trailer who was not in the airspace at the time of invention.
Dig this helps.
"BRIAN VIKE'S NOTE:" I would think to thank the citizens for technique losing the information which gave the cry to what the demonstration saw, which was Chinese lanterns/Wish lanterns or which ever one desires to trip them, as represent is a lot of names for these lanterns and yes, repeated UFO Balloons.
If you personal seen what think this in the extremely area satisfy be elastic stacks to contact Brian Vike at: "" subsequent to the details of your sighting. "ALL Established Documentation IS Cold Inflowing."