Attitudes towards the existence of aliens are changing. CHILDREN, IN THEIR FILMS, AND GAMES, ARE MADE AWARE OF THEIR EXISTENCE FROM AN EARLY AGE AND T.V DOCUMENTARIES ABOUT POSSIBLE ALIEN VISITATIONS, IN THE EARLY WORLD, ARE NOW TREATED MORE SERIOUSLY THAN IN THE PAST. The attitude of the Catholic Church has also changed dramatically since 1614 when it forbade Galileo from teaching the Copernican theory that the sun was at the centre of the solar system. The Vatican now operates its own observatory and, in an interview on the RAI 1 programme, 'SpecialetgI', on Sunday 8 October, 1995, FATHER BALDUCCI, A ROMAN CATHOLIC THEOLOGIAN, WHEN ASKED IF THERE WERE ALIENS AMONGST US, REPLIED 'THERE ARE ALREADY CONSIDERATIONS WHICH MAKES THE EXISTENCE OF THESE BEINGS INTO A CERTAINTY' HE ADDED 'IT IS LIKELY THAT THERE ARE OTHER BEINGS WHO HAVE A SOUL'.
The subject of ALIEN ABDUCTIONS, though, is very controversial. IT TAKES THE FORM OF CLAIMED PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS, BY E.T'S, AND TELEPATHIC WARNINGS ABOUT DESTRUCTION COMING TO THIS PLANET. MEMORIES OF THE EVENT, which frequently consist of a vague feeling that something unusual happened, are RECOVERED FROM THE SUBJECT UNDER HYPNOSIS. Although critics do not dispute that PEOPLE INVOLVED IN THESE CASES ARE GENUINELY CONVINCED ABOUT WHAT THEY BELIEVE HAPPENED TO THEM, they claim that the experience was the result of a lucid dream or of false memory. However, this theory fails to explain those cases where the person involved was away from home, say driving in a car, where there is missing time, where there are unusual marks on the body and where more than one person was involved.Read more >>