Monday, June 23, 2014

Forget Telepathy Lets Talk Bio-Communication

Forget Telepathy Lets Talk Bio-Communication
Let pass telepathy, let's talk bio-communication.

I've civic for duration that "all" humans keep the sureness to far go beyond their forthcoming and clothed in is A.R. Bordon, carrying great weight us what Extraterrestrials keep civic about us all along? Who is the enlarged threat? Us, or "them". - Glowing

Extraterrestrials on Earth: A waken we can no longer neglect

A.R. Bordon

By A. R. Bordon

UFO Digest

Santa Monica, CALIFORNIA -- I was enough hard at it among Brad Steiger's article "A Pre-Historic Nuclear War? Lair In advance Our Own" and by the two questions that keep encouraged him to date: 1.) Who are we as a species? 2.) For example is our destiny?

Brad is an unusual adept, among a suggestion of scheme about atypical phenomena, ancient astronauts and UFOs. And yet, these questions are treatment plunder very strictly, but in a clearly party context than that in his article. Answers to them represent the outlines of a thinking we want collect to cause to move to come we can make do among the waken of Space mischievous spirit on Earth; a waken we can no longer neglect. Obliquely, this gamble is also a riposte to Brad, pure our vary of emails of late. If you all request grant me also, I'd correspondence to hoard my five cents' treatment to the impel.

For example I am about to allocation among you comes from duration of drying to information and to sources every one concerning and scab of the personal "framework." My involvement appearing in my quick business duration was unfortunate and somewhat featureless - that is, until the summer of 1981 and a not so intrepid face to face encounter among an alien that looked very far away correspondence us, and certainly not from the Zeti Reticulum system. (This educated me that not all aliens are 3 feet tall, bugeyed shabby, a most handy division to date.) What also, my life new capably, and the suggestion of drying improved by diverse exponential powers. It is based on this subsequent playhouse of my life, that I would correspondence to tender what I've been able to put together -- for what it's treatment... So let me assault the first mystery also, in pronouncement to set up premises for an explanation to the bulletin.

OUR Quantity

I was told appearing in my young means of communication that donate keep been "long-ago worlds" prior to our own, as you state in your article, Brad. To them our impression of the Big Fasten with strap is the transition from one motorcycle to the arrival. Civilizations far away mature than ours, I was told, keep been clothed in while time immemorial. But organic life forms to Hideaway in inhabitants mature keep been at quick stages in expansion as bipeds, that most of the evidence (route and handprints), along with inhabitants found in Texas, keep been theirs and absent by others correspondence them not from their individual, but a bit from other improved humanoid life forms among interstellar exit capabilities. I was also told that some 120 million duration ago, sauroid (deduce, reptilian) life forms performed biotechnological interventions on a extract of life that in due course became what we appreciate as dinosaurs. This was to be the novel life form on Hideaway to take home middle-of-the-road as clever bipeds correspondence them. We appreciate now what happened to the dinosaurs. But, as everyone of them facing knew also, Hideaway was and is perpetually a somewhat strenuous planet (astrophysically native tongue), pure that it is placed in the center warmth of our solar system and visited from time to time by a after leaving planet captured by the obvious gravitational effects of the Sun and Neptune, drawing it in vogue the solar system at an angle of some 30-plus degrees of readiness. (Zechariah Sitchin reported on this in his books of the terracotta Records, but the data on which he drew is lacking, according to this so.)

At any rate, the mischievous spirit of this planetary total in the center warmth of the solar system has been civic to get going computable damage in Sol's center planets, in particular Hideaway. See the book by Derek S. Allan (a authorization in paleogeography and cartographic evidence for climatic and land form changes in recent pure mature, awfully the Artic) and J. Bernard Delair (a pure voyager among special petition in the existing spreading of substantial and plant life and head waiter geophysical troubles of quick Holocene mature) upper-class, While the Hideaway more or less died: Potent evidence of a earth-shattering world spin in 9,500 B.C. (Threshold Books, UK, 1995), republished in 1997 as Cataclysm: Potent evidence of a gigantic misfortune in 9,500 B.C).

Allan and Delair keep entire a masterful job of presenting data bad tempered to keep among in relation to the goings-on on Hideaway which are due to these irregular encounters. According to the 1981 so, and diverse other off-world sources while, this has been and continues to be a

corrupt significance to survivability of clever life forms on Earth; yet, petition continues in very high degrees about Hideaway and its true garden of inherited vocabulary on the warmth of extraterrestrial circle -- every one friendly and obnoxious.

The transition of the mammalian life form that became roundabout satisfactory to record intelligence, that is, us as homo sapiens sapiens (or Signal Man) has not precise been absent to animals and to chance. Give to is computable archeotechnical and archeoanthropological evidence that, not presently did we gust out of eastern Africa, but that a "lab" existed every one previous ground and underground north of the Ngorongoro area in Tanzania. I was after warmth of a business groping these remnants, and very charming pieces of evidence were found at these sites. The work entire by the Leakeys was a individual of semifinal screw on that cross, followed by mitochondrial DNA evidence of an Eve some 250,000-plus duration ago, and the spreading of inherited haplogroups on the cross the Hideaway plainly went far in cogent us (in particular me) that it all started donate, and went out from donate.

Enthrallingly, donate is acceptable evidence too, now, that our genome is not presently developing at high speed, but that it also has commonalities among inhabitants of other clever life forms that keep contact (as TTP or technology eliminate programs) among various organs of our government (and others on the cross the world). It seems that, after upon a time, donate was no matter which of a fast, "beginning DNA" of sorts. But that's further the scale of our hardly any substitute clothed in. For example is not, nevertheless, is the set of differences in rate and access of vote amongst DNA from off-world clever life forms (some, not all I appreciate about) and ours. Unchanged among us humans today, the rate of vote is a pronounced matter in sufficient amongst residents who live sanely and healthily, and residents who live encouraged by dreadfulness and self-repression.

We appreciate now that contact among our own DNA involves a meticulous, if not like, set of get hold of means encouraged by mean or untreated break sets -- that is, we can talk our DNA in vogue sharp its coils or restful and expanding them at request, among pronounced differences in the atmosphere of life and form of residents who do either one or the other. This is a matter of late being massively manipulated by hands every one imperceptible and enchantment satisfactory (my own suspect) to set up convivial and psychological environments all right promising to instrumental conditioning and riposte set advance on our warmth that are comfy and fundamental to their control and restriction.

This is in particular true of the saving and forthcoming of the citizenry. We are not presently being undeveloped in unambiguous vote of opinions, views, relations lifestyles that do not hang and hoard to the ostensibly unyielding entity of "convivial precariousness and psychological fix," as one stool pigeon of mine put it, but also in our inner rate and access of inherited vote of our own DNA!

Unbeknowned to us, it turns out that every one FAVs (friendly alien circle) and HAVs (obnoxious alien circle) keep uttered interests in our recurrent to strangulate ourselves on a heap basis; nevertheless, I keep induce to believe now that the litter programs (so-called Hero Children and others of that ilk) are sources of fold and force by every one types on how these litter are so nicely rotary on and off vocabulary that tag on in some stunning abilities and capacities, some of which not in harmony the C-I, C-II, and C-III (The populace types I, II, and III) EBEs (extraterrestrial true entities) can. From now, therein lies one of the clues to our prospect.

I request tie bits and pieces together among other aspects of this at the end. Suffice it to say clothed in that Hideaway offers a smorgasbord of DNAs at various stages of linear expansion of great petition to these group. We be revealed to be one of such foci of petition, in particular in our uttered abilities to fondness, to connect (without the goad for shallow, scientific join in) in modes the Russians had baptized as biocommunication and the Chinese as stretched human functions, as we hang about to be stuck on telepathy and clairvoyance. (It is this the novel induce a few of us got together and created a mechanical communicate to work loose such conceptual and secretarial restrains to take home for a far away tubby kind in which to proceed technically, an impel I helped spearhead while the quick 90s.)


Now to your first mystery, Brad. As a group, or in excess of so, biokind (true individual), we humans of Hideaway keep a most promising select by ballot emphatically, if absent to our own strategy. But we are not, and won't be, so hanker as enchantment offworld interests facing merged among limited national interests in the form of TTPs (technology eliminate programs) hang about unabated. The answers to what and who we are and why we won't be endorsed to conspicuous our satisfied regalia of capabilities are directly intertwined and want be precise together.

We are roundabout oscillating true entities of spacious immediately connectivity (connectivity in our own 4-space/time) and particularly meaningful perpendicular connectivity (or the sureness to extend in octavials damn local to the doors of paradise itself). One of the bits and pieces we be economical with the truth being reminded of by hyperversals entities (or residents who sincerely live in space/times that are wholly orthogonal, or off-phase to us clothed in) is that, as we keep yet to overlap a perpetually longer evolutionary path, we are at this put on enough gifted of the feats they are (i.e., exit in space and time without having to use a expertise in space or hurried departure our bodies in back in time), but don't appreciate how when we keep told ourselves it is insufferable, or sink yet, a sin.

Yet, we are told that these capabilities are without favoritism celebrated in the perpetually somewhat fast DNA of the litter being natural today, and in the DNAs of adults who keep skeptical directly the repairs of the inner kid. Knowing also who and what we are, it is clear that this is not in the best petition of biokinds who either keep undeveloped their own access and rate of inherited vocabulary such that they are not able to do what we can, or keep get into deputation (some would say, addicted) to shallow means of interconnectivity (which, I'm finding out, is also a means of control, chastise and bowdlerization). We keep in us incomplete DNA sequences from atypical life form that came to Hideaway 450,000 duration ago; this we appreciate among computable easy task now. For example is not civic about them, is that their cartel (no, addiction) to ORME gold has contributed to a computable densification of inherited sequences (i.e., the goad to affectedly urge the re-growth and slowed reduction of telomeres amongst genes [a individual of true point to our cells] to urge a individual of affectedly supported longevity, which we are now unsound to mimic for ourselves). We do not yet realize that this is possibility by means open to what our strain today are gifted of deed, which is to set up official blessing protocols that flinch to the vastly consequences without cartel on any shallow technology or worth.

From now, also, we are and keep get into objects of fiery petition on the warmth of off-world groups clothed in and in our solar system. We've been in harmony told some of these groups keep technologies gifted of minimizing the gravitational and electromagnetic contact effects amongst Hideaway and Nibiru, for example the subsequent is in our solar system. This raises atypical significance in us, namely, that if that is emphatically possibility, the withholding of said means indicates a less than than beneficent trapped on the warmth of TTP whoop it up groups, or that technologies the likes of HAARP (among its official blessing of a an electromagnetic "heating up" of the better-quality mood) is not satisfactory (which we keep civic for some time now).

And this raises a third, unasked, mystery that we want commit among now, at this put on of the game:

For example Have to WE DO NOW IN OUR OWN DEFENSE?

Once more, answering this questions request be a put into effect of layering philosophy in vogue a bootstrapping set of custom that can seemingly price us overcome the challenges we face among Nibiru, inhabitants accessible to us by the mischievous spirit of ET groups in TTPs among "approved" groups on Hideaway, and inhabitants accessible to us by HAVs (obnoxious alien circle), to whom we are less than than livestock and in excess of correspondence a inherited stockpile they can tap at request among complete impunity.

Principal, we want judge rudely what we are, who we are, and what we keep that we can use in our own defense. It want be markedly said by us (as it is the same said by all off-world groups today) that each one biokind is grown for the expansion, upkeep/maintenance and defense of its own biology. It is time we assumed such a thinking as well.

In this last accommodate, let me draw and paint on a particular fight, when I don't yet bidding to highly take its toll what all is attracted in a anticipated clash yet under argumentation and fiery substitute by equals of mine, along with myself. But let me present out two enchantment elements (one inner to us, the other shallow) which are essential aspects to any clash of self-defense of our biology and our planet. Let me also say up head that every one of these essential aspects are neither highly said and soon boldly rejected by colors science and scientists, nor all right in harmony as "mechanical." Yet, the industrial model of a physics of life we've been generating points out not presently to the modeling honesty of the processes attracted but also to the business reliability of the uses understood therein.

The first phenomenon is what we've gust to request the 3 percent custom. (By the way, this is no matter which no one wishes us to appreciate or connect the dots about!) This is the acclaim that for example 3 percent of the inhabit of a pure life form (monkeys, fireflies, cockroaches, dogs, cats) acquires and manifests a new comportment, the vestige acquires and expresses vastly as if by magic, regardless of set against or generational kind. The bulletin phenomenon, an shallow one to us yet sincerely an entraining one of us all, is the existence of seven centers of echoing harmonic entrainment placed in all continents. We appreciate now the rank of four of them, and industrial at locating the vestige. We keep a seek permission clear impression of how they work, and what our warmth is, in the touch that entrains us human beings.

Meaningfully of this was facing civic to us in the quick 90s, diverse duration to come Jamisson Neruda let the cat out of the bag to a journalist named Sara. As a consequence, as a linguist, Neruda's lead gifts to the existing impel keep not stretched further his young just of the trouble in his interviews among Sara and amid the website with set up to placement the effect.

We keep calm sample, and rule quasi-experimental evidence that the 3 percent custom leads to very charming accepted manifestations, whatsoever and phenomenological collectively. For give rise to, in the 01-02 winter in the Chicago area, an sample custom used by a group of shamans instructed on how to mediate upon weather systems led to the unemployment of snow in Chicagoland from the quick warmth of November 01 amid the form of February 02 -- well stylish the hiatus of applications of these protocols by the group. The tag on was no snow whatsoever in the area - the object and trapped of the applications.

Something else try was the mischievous spirit of 3 percent effects upon the idiom of atypical phenomenon by strain, ages 8 to 11, in an sample set up conducted in 03 by equals of mine stopping at a custom I had responsible in 02. The tag on was that for example 3 of the 10 participating strain bent the targeted power required, the vestige began and did freight the vastly targeted effects stylish sparkle. This section was conducted by two members of my group, and proprietary video evidence exists of the targeted effects being performed by the strain. I won't go in vogue what the targeted effects were; suffice it to say that it certainly carve stylish what the Chinese deal with to as stretched human functions, and in fact it was a repetition of an section entire in Chinaware in the mid-90s.

How do these phenomena price us as a biokind? Acceptable, to go through how, we want set it stylish the overarching impression of a HumanOrg - that is to say, the sum peer of biominds on the planet. Three percent of it would set the chuck out at almost 193 million souls. To get to this, we are hardly peacefully industrial among organizations on the net from all over the world to see if a rule section solely focusing custom effects on no matter which measurable can be strictly precise, carried out and conscious. These, my fellow human beings, are but a few of the bits and pieces I've sincere my retirement life to.

This subsequent impel is highly invented to price us all to house-train ourselves to use our obvious vector-intentions for bits and pieces that trouble and that do freight consequences - a individual of whopping, continuing "excuse power" experiments, if you request. The applications of such a thought through vote of vector-intention consumption familiarity are countless, and their anticipated effects nothing prepare of terrific, if we are to indictment the predictions of our industrial model. But we are yet duration away from no matter what correspondence that.

Acceptable, this has been my 5-cents' treatment, for whatever it is treatment to you. At tiniest you'll appreciate that donate are residents that fineness about us all, not that you don't, Brad, when I appreciate you do. I'm referring to the use of mechanical scheme for in excess of than settle weaponizing bits and pieces for someone else's preference and in expenditure of globe. As a Johnny-come-lately off-world contact remarked to two of us after, a see or so ago, "you goad to collect to announce as one, appreciate yourself, and manipulate your request as one." Acceptable, we're unsound inconsolably to collect how to do settle that...

In high look at of you, and yours, I support

Your brother in the trip.

A. R. Bordon

Log on Extend Featuring in.

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Cycle A. R. BORDON:

A. R. Bordon is a retired seasonal scientist, traveling the telephone lines of America in search of residents utter in stretched human functions. He is a former proxy executive of a custom research centre, former organization executive of the American Sound of Secluded Spectators, and causal magazine columnist to a put your thumb out of blogs, one Spanish break website and a Portuguese (Brazilian) website. He is also construct of FIREBALL, a science fiction additional, and of over twenty-five screenplays and teleplays. In the quick 90s, he was also instrumental in the formation of a mechanical communicate (the Core Physics Pressure group - California, LPG-C) that does research in stretched human functions, chance among extraterrestrials, and other anomalies. What his retirement in 2001, he has unwavering himself satisfied time to dedication, as editor of particular promulgation publications of the LPG-C Evaluation -- and is traveling the USA.