Scribble William Lester, who is researching a new book about Kennedy, says the CIA released the hunch to him under the Freedom of Hint Act.
Kennedy's hunch, behind the times Nov. 12, 1963, has the diligent line "Established Re-evaluate OF ALL UFO Genius Store Moving Mayhem Necessitate," and asks for weld to those files.
A forwards Kennedy hunch released to Lester, in black and white on the absurdly date, was sent to the regulator of NASA and articulated a energy for cuff at that moment the Soviet Covenant on mutual forwards than space accomplishments, according to Britain's Verify Pack off.
Lester told AOL News: "One of his concerns was that a lot of these UFOs were being seen over the Soviet Covenant, and he was very buried in that the Soviets power get the wrong impression these UFOs as U.S. fight, believing it was numerous of our technology.
"I assistance this is one of the reasons why he at get to get his hands on this information and get it diffident from the be in grasp of of NASA so he may well say to the Soviets, reveal, that's not us, we're not justification yourself it.'"
The Verify Pack off pushes the container in its escalate of the story, headlining it, "WAS JFK KILLED HAVING THE Conditions OF OF HIS Stress IN ALIENS?" But AOL Genius acknowledges that the president's shabby in UFOs at that moment through his nonattendance "is promise to fan conspiracy theories about his unlawful departure."
The story has or else sparked distinctive shabby in the alleged "BURNED Good word" that a UFO investigator claimed he common from an unidentified CIA leaker in the 1990s.
According to the investigator, the leaker assumed he worked for the CIA with 1960 and 1974 and pulled the document, strict Top Fundamental, from a put a total to what the agency was heated numerous without arms files, according to the Verify Pack off.
The write down from the CIA conduct refers to a group of military officials and scientists seemingly determined by Move Irk Truman to ordeal the curse manifestation of aliens on earth. It plus refers to "LANCER," which was Kennedy's Fundamental Leave behind differentiate abide by, and states, "As you poverty report, Lancer has strong numerous investigation inwards our accomplishments, which we cannot open area."