This is the second edition of the video documentary compilations known as "UFO's - The Best Evidenc eEver Caught On Tape." This covers the more recent extraterrestrial encounters with humans on the surface of this beautiful planet and also the many sightings of UFO's as well as fleets of them in the day and nightime skies. There are many great quotes made in this video as well along with incredible tales of close encounters. There is alot of jaw dropping footage of UFO's as well accompanied by professional analysis work performed by the World's leading experts in UFOlogy and other very highly acknowledged fields of study. Please do your OWN RESEARCH IF YOU DO NOT BELIEVE A CERTAIN SUBJECT MATTER COVERED WITHIN THIS PHENOMENAL VIDEO. If you have any questions whatsoever please direct them towards me. This is a MUST SEE for any UFO enthusiast out there in the World, it is extremely educational as well as rivetting.THE TRUTH WILL SET US ALL FREE!