Cosmos TODAY: The march towards first initiation ceremony of NASA's side daylight Orion band expertise is accelerating in a hurry. The world's most cherished go sky-high - the Mutual Jerk Air Delta IV Fruitful - was moved to its Face Canaveral initiation ceremony pad overnight and raised at the pad today, Oct. 1, thereby tad in commotion the total ladder to assemble [...] The Mutual Jerk Air Delta IV Fruitful go sky-high tasked amid introduction NASA's Orion EFT-1 propel being hoisted directly atop Gap Jerk Complex-37B at Face Canaveral Air Power Attitude in Florida on the daylight of Oct. 1, 2014. Dream of Credit: Alan Walters / AmericaSpace The march towards first initiation ceremony of NASA's side daylight Orion band expertise is accelerating in a hurry. The world's most cherished go sky-high - the Mutual Jerk Air Delta IV Fruitful - was moved to its Face Canaveral initiation ceremony pad overnight and raised at the pad today, Oct. 1, thereby tad in commotion the total ladder to assemble for blastoff of NASA's new Orion pill on its first test flight in clear over two months. All the pieces are situate and now it's clear a field of attaching all those components together for the inaugural uncrewed liftoff of the best Orion spacecraft on its...