Thursday, February 6, 2014

Report Nasa Scientist Claims Evidence Of Alien Life On Meteorite

Report Nasa Scientist Claims Evidence Of Alien Life On Meteorite
FOX News is reporting a NASA scientist claims he has found evidence of a giant bacterium in a Meteorite.

Dr. Riccardo Guerrero / Journal of CosmologyA photograph taken through a scanning electron microscope of a CI1 meteorite is similar in size and overall structure to the giant bacterium Titanospirillum velox, an organism found here on planet Earth, a NASA scientist said.(FOX Science News)- We are not alone in the universe -- and alien life forms may have a lot more in common with life on Earth than we had previously thought. That's the stunning conclusion one NASA scientist has come to, releasing his groundbreaking revelations in a new study in the March edition of the Journal of CosmologyRead more: